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مظاهرات طلاب عارمة في مدينة مندفرا والسلطات تقمعها بعنف شديد :

مظاهرات طلاب عارمة في مدينة مندفرا والسلطات تقمعها بعنف شديد :

Mendefera Eritrea.jpg

أشعل صباح يوم أمس 3 / 6 / 20013 م في مدينة مندفرا طلاب ثانوية سان جورج مظاهرات طلاب كبيرة ضد النظام وخدمته العسكرية وجابت المظاهرات شوارع  مندفرا وطالب الطلاب المتظاهرون الذين إنضمت إليهم جموع طلابية  من المدارس الأخرى بالغاء الخدمة العسكرية الالزامية غير محددة المدة  كما طالبوا بالإصلاح في الحياة السياسية في البلاد ، هذا وواجهت سلطات النظام الأمنية  الطلاب بعنف شديد وأمرت وحدات من الجيش والشرطة لقمع المظاهرات وجرت حملة واسعة من المطاردات بين الطلاب والأجهزة القمعية  وتعد هذه المظاهرة هي الأولى  وتعد نقلة كبيرة في حركة الشعب الارتري الذي مل الممارسات  القمعية للنظام الاستبدادي الحاكم في بلادنا ، وتعد التظاهرة الطلابية في مندفرا تطوير لأساليب نضال الطلاب ضد النظام من الكتابة على حوائط المواقع الهامة للمنازلة المباشرة .

#27671 | medikast في 08-05-2024
The Health Knowledge Portal is a complete online resource that provides valuable word close by many aspects of medicine. It serves as a centralized principles for accessing honest and up-to-date data tied up to pharmaceuticals, medical conditions, treatment options, and healthcare providers.

The portal offers a to one side range of features and resources to with healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public in making cultivated decisions with respect to medical care. Here are some key components commonly start in a Medicine Knowledge Portal:

Upper Database: The portal includes an big database of medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, and supplements. Users can search as a replacement for limited drugs to earn exact advice close by their uses, dosages, side effects, interactions, and precautions.

Medical Conditions: The portal provides complete word on a variety of medical conditions, including their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. This section aims to school users far diverse diseases and empower them to understand and manage their healthiness conditions effectively.

Treatment Guidelines: The portal may put up for sale evidence-based treatment guidelines also in behalf of unequivocal medical conditions. These guidelines are developed by medical experts and anticipate recommendations as a service to healthcare professionals to follow when diagnosing and treating patients.

Vigour Word and Updates: The portal keeps users au fait hither the latest developments in the land of physic to the core newsflash articles, research updates, and health-related announcements. This ensures that users retard up-to-date with the latest advancements and discoveries in healthcare.

Healthcare Provider Directory: Numberless portals include a directory of healthcare providers, such as doctors, specialists, hospitals, and clinics. Users can search since healthcare professionals based on their specialty, location, and other relevant criteria, making it easier to recoup suitable healthcare providers.

Self-possessed Education Materials: The portal may submit educational materials, such as articles, videos, and infographics, to better patients see their medical conditions, treatment options, and self-care practices. These resources aim to stimulate salubrity literacy and empower patients to actively participate in their own healthcare.

Interactive Tools: Some portals cater interactive tools like manifestation checkers, dosage calculators, and treatment interaction checkers. These tools assist users in assessing their symptoms, calculating set aside medication dosages, and identifying quiescent interactions between diverse drugs.

Inclusive, a Pharmaceutical Communication Portal serves as a valuable resource notwithstanding accessing accurate and honourable medical information. It aims to support healthcare professionals in their clinical decision-making and empower patients to impel aware of choices approximately their health.
#27672 | Jujiaaavar في 10-05-2024
#27673 | JeffreyJap في 10-05-2024
#27674 | JeffreyJap في 10-05-2024
#27675 | JeffreyJap في 10-05-2024
#27676 | Kiancolevar في 10-05-2024
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#27677 | Hanaivar في 11-05-2024
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#27678 | vubbady في 12-05-2024
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#27679 | Affolla في 12-05-2024
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#27680 | lumsefoFlep في 14-05-2024
رإخ شîًَى آهلىàٌٍهًîâ - ٌîîلùهٌٍâî ( ôîًَى ) âهلىàٌٍهًîâ, îيëàéي ىàيèىهéêهًîâ, ôًèëàيٌهًîâ è ٍ.ن.
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