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مظاهرات طلاب عارمة في مدينة مندفرا والسلطات تقمعها بعنف شديد :

مظاهرات طلاب عارمة في مدينة مندفرا والسلطات تقمعها بعنف شديد :

Mendefera Eritrea.jpg

أشعل صباح يوم أمس 3 / 6 / 20013 م في مدينة مندفرا طلاب ثانوية سان جورج مظاهرات طلاب كبيرة ضد النظام وخدمته العسكرية وجابت المظاهرات شوارع  مندفرا وطالب الطلاب المتظاهرون الذين إنضمت إليهم جموع طلابية  من المدارس الأخرى بالغاء الخدمة العسكرية الالزامية غير محددة المدة  كما طالبوا بالإصلاح في الحياة السياسية في البلاد ، هذا وواجهت سلطات النظام الأمنية  الطلاب بعنف شديد وأمرت وحدات من الجيش والشرطة لقمع المظاهرات وجرت حملة واسعة من المطاردات بين الطلاب والأجهزة القمعية  وتعد هذه المظاهرة هي الأولى  وتعد نقلة كبيرة في حركة الشعب الارتري الذي مل الممارسات  القمعية للنظام الاستبدادي الحاكم في بلادنا ، وتعد التظاهرة الطلابية في مندفرا تطوير لأساليب نضال الطلاب ضد النظام من الكتابة على حوائط المواقع الهامة للمنازلة المباشرة .

#27641 | Rlanvar في 24-04-2024
#27642 | Viniabivar في 24-04-2024
رهًèàë ïًî êîٌىîٌ - çâهçنيûه âًàٍà
#27643 | Avenue 17 في 25-04-2024
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#27644 | Jeremyfus في 25-04-2024
Internet-based education in Arizona enhances the concept of accommodating and tailored learning. These virtual institutions yield adjustable and capable methods for scholars to continue their education, regardless if they're in isolated areas or simply prefer a offbeat learning environment.

The curriculum is strenuous, related, and adaptable to multiplex learning approaches and life situations.

A noteworthy pro is that these online courses grant access to a vast range of disciplines and massive knowledge supplies that customary classrooms may not provide. Also, the online delivery approach lets learners to proceed at their own speed, not feeling rushed by the speed of their peers.

Online schools in Arizona also supply round-the-clock academic help, aiding students virtually with any worry. This can be particularly helpful for students who require extra time to understand certain ideas, providing an integrative and perceptive learning atmosphere. In light of the pandemic, web-based education has proven itself to be a workable substitute to regular learning methods.

So, if you're thinking about a switch to online education or keen in finding out more, presently is the instant to go for it. To learn more about internet-based schooling in Arizona, I inspire all individuals to explore further. After all, wisdom is authority. https://www.onlineschoolAZ8.com
#27645 | Jeremyfus في 26-04-2024
Web-based education in Arizona goes a step further with concept of convenient and tailored learning. These internet-based institutions offer malleable and productive methods for pupils to pursue their education, irrespective if they're in outlying areas or only prefer a alternative learning surrounding.

The curriculum is intense, relevant, and modifiable to various learning modes and life events.

A considerable asset is that these internet-based courses allow access to a vast range of fields and massive knowledge supplies that classic classrooms may not supply. Also, the online delivery approach facilitates learners to move at their own speed, not feeling forced by the pace of their peers.

E-learning schools in Arizona also give round-the-clock academic support, supporting students virtually with any problem. This can be exceptionally helpful for students who need extra time to perceive certain notions, providing an comprehensive and empathetic learning setting. In light of the pandemic, online education has displayed itself to be a viable replacement to regular learning methods.

So, if you're pondering a switch to web-based education or curious in finding out more, now is the occasion to make the jump. To know more about virtual schooling in Arizona, I recommend all people to study further. After all, knowledge is control. http://onlineschoolAZ8.com/
#27646 | Jeremyfus في 26-04-2024
E-learning education in Arizona goes a step further with concept of commodious and personalized learning. These internet-based institutions furnish adjustable and efficient methods for scholars to progress with their education, regardless if they're in isolated areas or simply prefer a non-traditional learning setting.

The curriculum is tough, relevant, and adaptable to several learning approaches and life circumstances.

A considerable advantage is that these digital courses grant familiarity to a large range of disciplines and huge knowledge sources that traditional classrooms may not supply. Additionally, the online delivery technique permits learners to proceed at their own rate, not feeling rushed by the pace of their peers.

Online schools in Arizona also give round-the-clock academic assistance, supporting students virtually with any worry. This can be exceptionally advantageous for students who need extra time to apprehend certain notions, providing an all-encompassing and empathetic learning ambiance. In light of the pandemic, web-based education has proven itself to be a workable alternative to traditional learning methods.

So, if you're considering a switch to web-based education or curious in finding out more, now is the instant to take the leap. To find out more about digital schooling in Arizona, I recommend all people to explore further. After all, education is authority. https://onlineschoolAZ8.com/
#27647 | MicahLom في 27-04-2024
#27648 | Michaelted في 27-04-2024
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#27649 | CharlesBup في 27-04-2024
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#27650 | medikast في 29-04-2024
The Nostrum Tidings Portal is a broad online resource that provides valuable word close by many aspects of medicine. It serves as a centralized platform as a service to accessing punctilious and up-to-date data linked to pharmaceuticals, medical conditions, treatment options, and healthcare providers.

The portal offers a wide line of features and resources to relieve healthcare professionals, patients, and the inclusive visible in making cultured decisions in the matter of medical care. Here are some explanation components commonly set in a Remedy News Portal:

Drug Database: The portal includes an big database of medications, including direction drugs, over-the-counter products, and supplements. Users can search as a replacement for limited drugs to obtain complete report prevalent their uses, dosages, side effects, interactions, and precautions.

Medical Conditions: The portal provides encyclopaedic word on various medical conditions, including their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. This sample aims to educate users far rare diseases and empower them to get it and manage their haleness conditions effectively.

Treatment Guidelines: The portal may bid evidence-based treatment guidelines also in behalf of specific medical conditions. These guidelines are developed during medical experts and provide recommendations as a service to healthcare professionals to follow when diagnosing and treating patients.

Constitution News and Updates: The portal keeps users cultivated about the latest developments in the interest of medicine through account articles, check out updates, and health-related announcements. This ensures that users reprieve up-to-date with the latest advancements and discoveries in healthcare.

Healthcare Provider Directory: Diverse portals include a directory of healthcare providers, such as doctors, specialists, hospitals, and clinics. Users can search for the sake healthcare professionals based on their specialty, location, and other suited criteria, making it easier to find apt healthcare providers.

Dogged Teaching Materials: The portal may tender educative materials, such as articles, videos, and infographics, to better patients be aware of their medical conditions, treatment options, and self-care practices. These resources plan to stimulate haleness literacy and empower patients to actively participate in their own healthcare.

Interactive Tools: Some portals outfit interactive tools like symptom checkers, dosage calculators, and drug interaction checkers. These tools with users in assessing their symptoms, contriving appropriate medication dosages, and identifying quiescent interactions between different drugs.

Overall, a Pharmaceutical Facts Portal serves as a valuable resource suitable accessing accurate and reliable medical information. It aims to aid healthcare professionals in their clinical decision-making and empower patients to make alert to choices hither their health.
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