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ارحمونا يرحمكم الله بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد

ارحمونا يرحمكم الله

بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد                                                

منذ تأسيس  رابطة ابناء المنخفضات  من شهر مارس الماضي، لا يمر يوم علينا من غير ان تحمل لنا الشبكات العنكبوتية مقالات تتناول موضوع الرابطة  من قبل فريقين  متحاورين  من الكتاب.

يوضح فيها اصحاب احد الفريقين ،مساوئ  فكرة تأسيس الرابطة ، بينما  الفريق الآخر يوضح ايجابيات الفكرة .

ولان توضيح الواضح من المشكلات  كما يقال ، يلجأ كل الطرفين الى كتابة مقالات مطولة يشرحان فيها وجهة نظريهما ، بقصد اقناع كل طرف ، الطرف الآخر.

والملفت للنظر في الامر هو،  كلما قام احد الكتاب بكتابة مقال حول الرابطة  من هذا الفريق او ذاك ، نفاجأ في اليوم التالي برد الساع  ساعين من الفريق الآخر .

وبين الرد من هذا ، ورد الفعل من ذاك ، يلتزم بعض الكتاب بادب الحوار في كتاباتهم وردودهم، سواء كان من هذا الفريق اوذاك .

ويخرج  البعض  الآخر من  الكتاب  في ذروة الانفعال من طورهم ، ويخونهم التعبير ، فيختارون لعناوين  مقالاتهم ، عناوين تسيئ لمضامين مقالاتهم وبالتالي تفسد مقاصد رسالتهم. ليستغلها اصحاب الغرض  من الطرف الاخر ليصَبّ الماء البارد على الزيت الثائر، وإيغار الصدور، ويتسبب بالمزيد من المزايدات والتنافر لتتتحول القضية من تقريب وجهات النظر  وتبادل الرأي والراي الآخر الى مواجهة شخصية .   

وهكذا يتحول الحوار، الى حوار عقيم ، مضيعة للوقت، خارج الوقت، فلا هو يضيف جديدًا، ولا هو يوصل الى نقاشات موضوعية توصل الى مساومة تاريخية لحشد كافة الطاقات وتكريسها للهدف الاساس ، الا وهو اسقاط الدكتاتورية واقامة البديل الديمقراطي من اجل استرجاع الحقوق المغتصبة للجميع ، بل يمنح المغتصب فرصة ذهبية ليطلق العنان  ويتمادى في تكريس سياساته الدكتاتورية واغتصاب المزيد من حقوقنا المغتصبة  اصلا.

 اذن علينا ان نعترف  باننا نخوض  معركة  وهمية ، حامية  الوطيس ،لا نرى لها نهاية ، معركة لن يكون فيها منتصر ومهزوم، بل الكل سيهزم فيها في نهاية المطاف ، اذا استمرينا  على هذا المنوال من العناد لبعضنا البعض .

ولنتذكر ما قيل في هذا الصدد :( اذا التقت السياسة بالعناد ، فاقرأ على البلد السلام .)

وعليه ارى ان يتوقف الجميع عن هذه المعركة  الوهمية التي لا طائل من ورائها فورا ولنترك الكل ينضال على حسب الطريقة التي يؤمن بها دون تشهير او تجريح  او تشكيك.

واذا  كان اراء البعض منطلقا من ايمانه ، من مقولة :  " تأبى الرماح إذا أجتمعن تكسرا ..وإذا أفترقن تكسرت آحادا " او تجارب اخرى، فلا حرج اذا كان  البعض الآخر لا يؤمن بها ، كما ليس من حق احد، في كلّ حال، أن يجبر الناس على أن يكونوا مؤمنين بما يؤمن به ، فمن شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فليكفر.

،  وقبل هذا وذاك ،  فلنتذكر حديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي قال فيه (مَثَلُ المؤمنين في تَوَادِّهم وتراحُمهم وتعاطُفهم مثلُ الجسد، إِذا اشتكى منه عضو: تَدَاعَى له سائرُ الجسد بالسَّهَرِ والحُمِّى) .

فارحمونا  وتوقفوا عن المعركة  الوهمية  التي لا طائل منها ، يرحمكم الله .

#21 | ErnestErype في 01-10-2016
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Jones declared would necessitate an important engineering scheme, including building a whole new reservoir, as the company does not store a huge level of excess water, and getting a cost-effective way to go it east. He said: It's technically possible, it's worth taking into consideration as a choice but it's not just a cheap option, it will be expensive to perform. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">house water filter</a>
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#23 | MichaelFob في 02-10-2016
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At once, PIA had 50 possibly even local affiliates, often state-oriented; today, the quantity is 30 or less. Some in the affiliates have merged to make mega-groups using a large geographic scale and may even stop able to deal with local needs while they once did. ,ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a>
#25 | Gregoryledge في 03-10-2016
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On the requirement to introduce a whole new system of charging, Benn said: We require a fairer system that gives incentives to save water. In areas of serious water stress, it's pretty clear that will mean near universal metering before 2030. The review will consider how to shield vulnerable groups, like those on low incomes and the elderly. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">ro water purifier</a>
#26 | DonaldJew في 05-10-2016
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#27 | Marvinmok في 06-10-2016
Water companies compete to win the first WaterAid Water Cycle Challenge <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">ro water purifier</a> The Republican minority about the committee also invited testimony from Professor William Happer, a physicist at Princeton University, who is a well-known climatic change sceptic. It's still less warm because it was if the Vikings settled England, said Happer. ,Fracking firm's drilling plan unnerves West Sussex villagers
The Ministry of Agriculture estimates that 3.3m hectares of arable land is contaminated and declared farming on land almost the size of Belgium has become stopped so that the can might be rehabilitated. The vice minister of land and resources, Wang Shiyuan, declared that much in the contaminated land is within grain-producing areas. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softner</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a>
#28 | Marvinmok في 06-10-2016
China's economy to outgrow America's by 2030 as world faces 'tectonic shift' <a href="http://watersinfo.org">reverse osmosis system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> Technology is part with the solution to climatic change. But only part. Techno-fixes like a few of those within the Guardian's Manchester Report simply cannot give you the carbon cuts science demands individuals without being accompanied by drastic reductions in our consumption. That means radical economic and social transformation. Merely swapping technologies fails to address the foundation causes of climate change. ,World's forests can adapt to climate change, study says
The poisoned residents got payouts of approximately $100,000 each, but Brockovich struck gold. There would be a $2.5m bonus and promotion to look into director of the law firm; there is a mansion in the Californian hills, along with the bestselling memoir. There would have been a mini-break into TV inside the style of Anneka Rice; and a large number of requests from communities across the world to aid them, too. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water softner</a>
#29 | DonaldJew في 06-10-2016
Environmental Sustainability: Paper Companies Leading the Way <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">wholesale stationery</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">round stickers</a> 41-78 ,Software’s Impact on the Future of Print
First, the factors require any time replacing equipment, purchase Energy Star compliant (or equivalent, based on country of manufacture) equipment for example computers, monitors, servers, refrigerators, and microwaves. Energy Star is definitely recognized as a viable eco-labeling program that identifies energy-efficient products that can be used both in the home and office. EPA estimates that if all consumers purchased Energy Star products and equipment over the following fifteen years, Americans&rsquo; energy bills can be reduced by $100 billion. The annual pollution savings would be comparable to taking 17 million cars from the road. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift bags</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">boxes and packaging</a>
#30 | DonaldJew في 06-10-2016
Xplor, GOA and also the Evolution of Trade Shows <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">clear labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish a book</a> Functionality, Flexibility, and Potential for Growth By John Nitti Commercial printers who desire to add personalized communications on the number of services and products they provide face special challenges. First, they've already little control of the clientele' in-house IT systems or databases, so compatibility might be an important issue. Second, print buyers are derived from every industry, from retailing to telecommunications to non-profits, every field has its communications conventions and objectives. Third, commercial printers traditionally have committed to document output, but on the subject of adding variable data to production, data input often determines the design, feel, and also the amount with the final product. Because personalizing communications is usually a complicated undertaking, print industry consultants highly recommend that commercial printers cut their teeth by producing less complex projects until they're fully familiar together with the process and able to handle the full-blown, highly personalized production. So after you consider these very real concerns and choose for taking the leap, what when you try to find when deciding on a software solution that supports your capacity to offer personalized applications? As complicated because it may seem, it genuinely relies on three key attributes&mdash;functionality, flexibility, and prospect of growth. Functionality To fulfill the personalization objectives of an selection of customers, robust and complex functionality is often a must. The solution you end up picking should be capable to easily integrate with the existing systems, along with those of your respective clients. These include legacy and ERP systems, together with graphic and text files stored for the personal computers from the client's marketing department. The software should streamline the entire process of creating personalized communications, which makes it all to easy to develop and deploy new document applications. And it must allow you to help you your visitors get to showcase on the timely basis with relevant information and targeted offers. To ensure consistency to your clients across all outputs --and profitability for printers-- the remedy should allow you to make any kind of document easily and quickly. The solution you ultimately choose need to be competent to easily integrate along with your existing systems, together with those of the clients. Flexibility It is imperative to locate an answer that is certainly flexible enough to fulfill your individual needs along with your customers' current business requirements, and also future needs you haven't yet anticipated. Some clients may delegate all responsibility towards the printer, including database management and page design. Others will wish to retain in-house treatments for these along with other functions. Look for software that comes with a collaborative authoring environment --a common platform accessible to your account and for your clients. The software solution should enable quick and simple changes and updates to content on single and/or multiple pages. In addition, the software program needs being appropriate for your digital and mechanical printing environment. As printers expand their role of print-just to communications solution providers, multi-channel document delivery gets a necessity. It is crucial how the chosen software supports document distribution with a assortment of output destinations: towards the press for printing and mail delivery, for e-mail distribution, and for posting to an individual website. To maintain your operations efficient and competitive, it should require you to produce a document just once&mdash;even if this will likely be delivered in lots of print/electronic formats. Critical corporate colors, approved text and graphics, as well as any required regulatory material should remain unchanged, although your visitors need to attain their clientele through multiple communications pipelines. As printers expand their role of print-merely to communications solution providers, multi-channel document delivery turns into a necessity. Potential for growth Finally, think big, but begin with simpler projects, like postcards, sales circulars, or shop price lists. Choose a software solution which offers likelihood of growth. This means looking beyond entry-level programs with limited capabilities that you simply'll only to own to discard for something better made a few months after installation. On the opposite hand, it you decide on shouldn't require someone to retool your complete operation. Look beyond entry-level tools which you'll only to obtain to discard for something better when you gain experience. The most successful implementations of VDP begin with software which has the capability to grow with the clients' demands. You really should be able to purchase exactly the capabilities you will need today and still have the cabability to add options since your business grows and clients request expanding capabilities. Be sure comprehensive training and consulting services can be purchased when you climb the training curve --or must provide newer services. You must feel confident the vendor you choose is really a technology leader and is going to be a genuine partner, playing and accommodating your family needs through solution enhancements. Increasing complexity = increasing opportunity Though technology that props up utilization of variable data is accessible for some years now, the many early adopters are actually transactional printers who produce ongoing communications like electricity bills and invoices. Combining variable data with all the esthetic values conventional quality commercial printing is undoubtedly an area still open for exploration and innovation. New applications and techniques consider personalized communications into your whole world of true relevance and recurring customer engagement. The software tools you select should support such activities so that you can also add the worth your customer needs. New applications and techniques take personalized communications to the an entire world of true relevance and continuing customer engagement. Relevance goes past inserting another name and address on every document, as well as beyond segmenting customers by ZIP code or population. Relevance reflects a client's individual interests. For example, an electronics retailer might send a camera accessories brochure to a buyer who bought a whole new camera inside last 3 months, while a variety store might announce a toy sale and then customers with children. Your chosen software should let you and/or your clients to predetermine automatic triggers that direct relevant information into flyers or catalogs dependant on every customers' tastes and preferences as indicated inside database. A new continuum Most personalized mailings now stop with the delivery mechanism. Marketers track response rates, but rarely track specific customer responses. However, relevant communication requires engagement --round-trip interaction using the customer-- which gives further data for your next marketing strategy. Engagement carefully tracks the responses that be a consequence of a package, such as deficiency of response. Relevant communication requires engagement --round-trip interaction with all the customer. As personalized print applications be a little more widely adopted, we're going to view both improved relevance and routine customer engagement. A retailer will start to send the consumer a package and also the customer will require them up into it. The next thing will likely be to transmit the client a reduction coupon. Then, once the coupon is needed from the store, that fact is tracked and familiar with create the subsequent, more personalized and relevant offer. Any software you pay for now should support this cycle of feedback. Software tools are available by or all on the features described here. They give printers a totally-automated way of adding significant value to every single printed item they produce, which means increased revenues plus more --an edge in the present and tomorrow's competitive print marketplace. John Nitti is vice chairman of diversified services for Exstream Software. Exstream Software helps organizations coming from all sizes talk with their clients through high quality, fully personalized communications. Exstream is for the web at www.exstream.com. ,Four51's CEO Promotes the Power of Commerce on Demand
Color. Color. Color. The major trend will probably be faster, top quality, cheaper color. Color is starting to become ubiquitous as well as an increasingly front-and-center topic. I think we'll begin to see the relatively high expense of ownership of toner-based color printers displaced by faster, far better technology. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office accessories</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas gift wrap boxes</a>
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