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ارحمونا يرحمكم الله بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد

ارحمونا يرحمكم الله

بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد                                                

منذ تأسيس  رابطة ابناء المنخفضات  من شهر مارس الماضي، لا يمر يوم علينا من غير ان تحمل لنا الشبكات العنكبوتية مقالات تتناول موضوع الرابطة  من قبل فريقين  متحاورين  من الكتاب.

يوضح فيها اصحاب احد الفريقين ،مساوئ  فكرة تأسيس الرابطة ، بينما  الفريق الآخر يوضح ايجابيات الفكرة .

ولان توضيح الواضح من المشكلات  كما يقال ، يلجأ كل الطرفين الى كتابة مقالات مطولة يشرحان فيها وجهة نظريهما ، بقصد اقناع كل طرف ، الطرف الآخر.

والملفت للنظر في الامر هو،  كلما قام احد الكتاب بكتابة مقال حول الرابطة  من هذا الفريق او ذاك ، نفاجأ في اليوم التالي برد الساع  ساعين من الفريق الآخر .

وبين الرد من هذا ، ورد الفعل من ذاك ، يلتزم بعض الكتاب بادب الحوار في كتاباتهم وردودهم، سواء كان من هذا الفريق اوذاك .

ويخرج  البعض  الآخر من  الكتاب  في ذروة الانفعال من طورهم ، ويخونهم التعبير ، فيختارون لعناوين  مقالاتهم ، عناوين تسيئ لمضامين مقالاتهم وبالتالي تفسد مقاصد رسالتهم. ليستغلها اصحاب الغرض  من الطرف الاخر ليصَبّ الماء البارد على الزيت الثائر، وإيغار الصدور، ويتسبب بالمزيد من المزايدات والتنافر لتتتحول القضية من تقريب وجهات النظر  وتبادل الرأي والراي الآخر الى مواجهة شخصية .   

وهكذا يتحول الحوار، الى حوار عقيم ، مضيعة للوقت، خارج الوقت، فلا هو يضيف جديدًا، ولا هو يوصل الى نقاشات موضوعية توصل الى مساومة تاريخية لحشد كافة الطاقات وتكريسها للهدف الاساس ، الا وهو اسقاط الدكتاتورية واقامة البديل الديمقراطي من اجل استرجاع الحقوق المغتصبة للجميع ، بل يمنح المغتصب فرصة ذهبية ليطلق العنان  ويتمادى في تكريس سياساته الدكتاتورية واغتصاب المزيد من حقوقنا المغتصبة  اصلا.

 اذن علينا ان نعترف  باننا نخوض  معركة  وهمية ، حامية  الوطيس ،لا نرى لها نهاية ، معركة لن يكون فيها منتصر ومهزوم، بل الكل سيهزم فيها في نهاية المطاف ، اذا استمرينا  على هذا المنوال من العناد لبعضنا البعض .

ولنتذكر ما قيل في هذا الصدد :( اذا التقت السياسة بالعناد ، فاقرأ على البلد السلام .)

وعليه ارى ان يتوقف الجميع عن هذه المعركة  الوهمية التي لا طائل من ورائها فورا ولنترك الكل ينضال على حسب الطريقة التي يؤمن بها دون تشهير او تجريح  او تشكيك.

واذا  كان اراء البعض منطلقا من ايمانه ، من مقولة :  " تأبى الرماح إذا أجتمعن تكسرا ..وإذا أفترقن تكسرت آحادا " او تجارب اخرى، فلا حرج اذا كان  البعض الآخر لا يؤمن بها ، كما ليس من حق احد، في كلّ حال، أن يجبر الناس على أن يكونوا مؤمنين بما يؤمن به ، فمن شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فليكفر.

،  وقبل هذا وذاك ،  فلنتذكر حديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي قال فيه (مَثَلُ المؤمنين في تَوَادِّهم وتراحُمهم وتعاطُفهم مثلُ الجسد، إِذا اشتكى منه عضو: تَدَاعَى له سائرُ الجسد بالسَّهَرِ والحُمِّى) .

فارحمونا  وتوقفوا عن المعركة  الوهمية  التي لا طائل منها ، يرحمكم الله .

#151 | Michaelkiz في 20-11-2016
Over half the world's population could rely on food imports by 2050 –آ study <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water standards</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> That،¯s what we should are buying. We develop digital tools that make complex, interrelated data around the health of the watershed like a whole precise and actionable on the scale of individual businesses and property parcels. ,Philadelphia water department faces class action lawsuit over water testing
Addressing delegates at the National Farmers' Union's (NFU) annual conference in Birmingham, Lord Smith will inform farmers that java prices will create new demands on land and environmental resources and could provide opportunities for novel crops and systems. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">wastewater treatment equipment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softner</a> ,Yes, it،¯s now assumed that youngsters younger than five who reside in Flint have been exposed ??all 8,177 of these, according to records through the Census Bureau.
watersinfo.org One proposal is water companies can also add to bills the cost of measures to replace the river �or reduce usage, for example by mending leaking pipes �if this choices approved by the water regulator, Ofwat. Farmers along with other licence-holders tend to continue to be compensated from your central pot of funds controlled with the agency, purchased by those groups. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">whole house water treatment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> ,A Nepali porter walks on the suspension bridge over the deep valley near Labja Dorhan on his way towards the Himalayan capital of scotland - Namche Bazar. Mountaineers are making their approach to Everest 12 months after an avalanche killed 16 guides and triggered an unprecedented shutdown from the world’s highest peak. Some are returning after being instructed to abandon their attempt for the summit in 2014 in the chaos and recriminations that followed the deadliest disaster ever heading to Everest
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#152 | Michaelkiz في 20-11-2016
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I think this is destined to be the worst fire season we’ve seen yet, Lopez told CBS. And the coming year will oftimes be worse than that unless this drought breaks. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> ,Alexis Morgan is WWF's director, global water roundtable
watersinfo.org One question is perhaps the river is really as empty since it seems and whether that matters. In fact, around 30,000 vessels come over the Thames Barrier in the year, 760,000 tonnes of waste are moved annually downriver, and more than 5.5m tonnes of aggregate are shipped in. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softner</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment systems</a> ,Ethiopia: Farmers gather using their children with a drought-stricken area in the Oromiya region, the location where the Ethiopian Red Cross Society as well as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has decided to start food aid distributions
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#153 | MathewSl في 21-11-2016
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#154 | Michaelkiz في 21-11-2016
Cyanide destroys fish stocks along stretch of river Trent <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">wastewater treatment equipment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">best water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">whole house water treatment</a> Already British investors, even those with as low as آ£50 a month to invest, can choose coming from a number of funds promising to direct your cash in to the environmental industries with the future. Schroders and HSBC were among the very first to launch java prices funds in 2007, followed right after by Virgin Money. Other big-name providers include F&amp;C and BlackRock (formerly Merrill Lynch). ,WaterAid presents... Bombay Bicycle Club
Is Brown right that the parallel issues of climatic change, population, water, energy and consumption will pose their first serious threat to civilisation through food shortages? The price spikes of 2007-8 and 2010 support his analysis. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">drinking water</a> ,The reason, she said, was transparent. Cities that are more at risk are definitely paying more attention.
watersinfo.org Do you have stories about lead testing practices or contamination of your water? Share them using the Guardian. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">wastewater treatment equipment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">filtered water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softner</a> ,The study was commissioned with the increasingly influential Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which conducts a yearly study of what companies are performing to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the part of investors holding US$16trillion (آ£9.9tr) of assets.
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#155 | Michaelkiz في 22-11-2016
SFO opens investigation into Severn Trent figures <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> 1. Misery and shortages in the megacities and drought in Africa ,A hosepipe ban needn't mean the end of your tropical garden
While progress continues to be made on improving entry to toilets &ndash; in 1990 51.2% lacked access; today the figure is 35.8% &ndash; the figures are still unacceptably high and global targets are extremely off track. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> ,Since we returned, our inbox may be full of great feedback through the people we met with the festival:
watersinfo.org It،¯s shocking the EPA knew about Flint nevertheless never let anyone know over it. What good are they whenever they knew regarding it and didn،¯t do anything? This can be an organization that desires to control every puddle inside the country but they could،¯t handle it. This isn،¯t solved with more money or authority, since they،¯ve been flat-out incompetent. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water standards</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">best water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">reverse osmosis water filter system</a> ,As news about Pan's detention spread through Weibo, prominent users voiced support. Just because a woman said several honest words about the dead pig issue, she was detained, banned and forced to hand in all her communication devices, said Li Minsheng, a properly-known writer. She was even 'missing' for three hours! Her only request was: 'Please do not come ring my doorbell early inside morning or inside the middle from the night to scare my mum.' As a big city which has hosted the World Expo, why can't Shanghai tolerate a poet? What law has Pan Ting violated? Please respond for the whole nation, Shanghai!
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#156 | Michaelkiz في 22-11-2016
Chromium-6 and clean water <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water purification systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> Geotargetting cookies ,'It's really a wake-up call to government leaders'
On 10 February 2011, disaster struck the أ‡&amp;oumlllolar coalfield in central Turkey, at the city of Elbistan. The north-eastern wall of a-pit mine collapsed, sending about 50m tonnes of material into the mine. The debris buried and killed 10 workers. The material mined with the أ‡&amp;oumlllolar coalfield is lignite, a brown kind of coal which is generally younger and softer than bituminous or anthracite. Turkey utilizes lignate for 21% of the company's electric power production, and also the Afsin-Elbistan lignite basin contains about 50 % of Turkey’s lignate reserves. Turkey has got the highest fatality rate for miners in the world, with 133 deaths for every single 100,000 miners in Turkey, as outlined by data released this year. As of 19 June, the أ‡أ¶llolar coalfield had been closed pending the outcome of the lawsuit ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water softner</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">reverse osmosis water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">water filtration companies</a> ,The city's burgeoning thirst for water means less for anyone else: the farmers who rely around the Rio Grande to irrigate their alfalfa fields, as well as the ranchers. On George Parada's land, which runs over the border wall with Mexico, a tributary with the Rio Grande that's ordinarily hip-high has dropped to ankle-deep.
watersinfo.org Many farmers are descendants of migrants who fled here to escape the 1930s dust bowl, a trauma immortalised in John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath. It might happen again, except now in California’s man-made Eden, said Matt Hammond, 51, Kim’s husband, on his way with a drilling site. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">water softener</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water treatment chemicals </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water standards</a> ,Floods
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#157 | MathewSl في 22-11-2016
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They argue �supported by way of a growing body of evidence, it seems like �that fracking involves an unacceptable degree of water usage, contaminates water supplies and spills potentially toxic waste fluids in the environment. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">house water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water treatment?</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> ,There is no guarantee which it will rain this year. Predictions are fine but nobody comes for a help once the crops fail, he said.
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Veritiv: A New Company with a Heritage of Service <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">publishing companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">print labels</a> The horror in the face helped me laugh aloud. I was inside a videoconference coaching session which has a VP, Sales & Marketing. I was coaching a few of his salespeople and track together, he was doing with me whatever they were doing. He and I had designed a fresh business development process from your ground up, and were vetting each stage and step. We were deep into the process, and focused on what to realize access with a decision-maker. ,"The Useful Arts (part 2 in the ""Trolling for Student""s series)"
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#160 | Michaelkiz في 23-11-2016
Fashioning the Future awards <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water treatment?</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> Sightseers have lined the receding side of Haweswater to begin to see the emerging ruins of Mardale, evacuated and drowned in 1935. ,It's slow going for businesses aiming to tackle Tanzania's water problems
Agency officials encouraged local governments to make continued use of weather-modifying techniques. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water purification systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">pure water</a> ,Ocean plants supply 50% in the oxygen inside atmosphere, along with the sea provides much of the food we eat. It may be the enabler of our own leisure and, in numerous ways, our last resort. But friendly it isn't. A couple of years ago, after certainly one of my daily swims inside sea, Iemerged through the freezing, out-of-season Cornish waters shivering more than usual. My friend Mark, whom Ihad persuaded tojoin me, looked at me with wonder. You've turned blue, he was quoted saying solemnly. I looked at my hands and arms, and so they were indeed a pale indigo. Apparently my face was a similar colour.
watersinfo.org The new turbines should permit the dam to continue generating power even if Lake Mead drops to 290 metres, Cook said. But a water level that low, he was quoted saying, can be a sign of virtually unimaginable environmental catastrophe, therefore the loss of hydroelectric power could be the least of anyone’s worries. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">reverse osmosis system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> ,Although Flint،¯s water was reconnected to Detroit،¯s supply following a declaration of a state of emergency in October, it،¯s little consolation for your people of Flint. The city،¯s service lines are hopelessly corroded, tainting the new water supply with lead concentrations far above federal action levels.
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