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تزف أسرة تحرير أومال التهنئة لأبناء شعبنا الارتري في الداخل والشتات بمناسبة الذكرى ال51 لإنطلاق ثورة الشعب الارتري ضد الاستعمار الإلحاقي الكهنوتي الإثيوبي وتهنئ رعيل الثورة ومقاتليها البواسل الذين صنعوا المعجزات وسجلوا الملاحم البطولية التي أذهلت العالم وحققوا النصر المؤزر ، وليس بمستغرب أن يحي الشعب الارتري في كل عام ذكرى إندلاع ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر تلك الثورة المجيدة التي أشعل أورها القائد الشهيد حامد إدريس عواتي ورفاقه من الرعيل الأول وسار تحت لوائها أبناء شعبنا الارتري من رحيتا في دنكاليا وحتى رأس قصار في الساحل ومن فورتو في إكلي قوزاي لتمرات في بركة ، دفعوا خلال عقود النضال أرواح ودماء فلذات أكبادهم دفعوا عشرات الألوف من الشهداء ، قدموا أموالهم بذلوا كل شيئ من أجل الحرية والكرامة والإستقلال والديمقراطية  لهذا يحتفلون بها تجديدا للعهد وإستعادة لذكرى الأبطال الذين شقوا طريق الكرامة والحرية وسقوا دروب النضال بدمائهم الطاهرة ، وكان الآمل الذي يحث خطاهم على الطريق ويدفعهم للبذل ولمزيد من البذل أنهم أصحاب حق راسخ وقضية عادلة ونصر أكيد وسيصلون في نهاية المطاف ومهما كانت التضحيات لدولة الكرامة سينالون الاستقلال سيعود أهليهم من مناطق اللجوء الي بيوتهم الى قراهم الى مدنهم إلى مراتع ذكريات الصبى ، لهذا كانت التضحية والبسالة عالية جداً والثمن كبير جداً بحجم الوطن الأمل بحجم المطلب التاريخي مطلب حق تقرير المصير خاصة ، ورغم أن الشعب ومناضليه كانوا يواجهون بقوات إستعمارية من دولة جارة تربطهم بها حدود طويلة ووشائج متنوعة وكانت تلك الدولة الجارة أثيوبيا محكومة بقبضة الكهنوت المسنود من الاقطاع والكنيسة  والاستعلاء القومي الذي أذاق حتى الشعوب الأثيوبية الويلات ودفعها للثورة وبعد مجيئ النظام العسكري بإنقلابه الشهير 1974م أمل الأثيوبيون ولكنه تمسك بذات النهج وتشدد ضد القضية الوطنية الارترية ورفض تطبيق مبدأ حق تقرير المصير على الشعب الارتري وحاول أن يغلف طرحه بالغطاء الأيديوبوجي ، لهذا جرت معه المواجهات الأكثر ضراوة ودمويةً وأخيراً هزم نظام الدرق الاستعماري وأنجز الارتريون الإستقلال ، ورغم أن الشعب الارتري قد أنجز إستقلال ترابه الوطني وتمكن من طرد قوات الاحتلال بعد صراع طويل ومرير ودامي إلا أنه لم يستمتع بثمار تضحياته الغالية ، جاء الكيان الذي لم يتطور لدولة بمفهوم الدولة العصرية التي تحتضن كل أبنائها بل إتجه نحو السلطة الشمولية وهي تحولت مع الوقت لملك عضوض تحورت فيه حتى علاقات الحزب الشمولي نفسه .

المواطن العادي مثلت له الدولة التي حلم بها غول يتهدد أبنائه لايرى منها إلا كشات الخدمة العسكرية الأبدية والتي يصدق عليها المثل الدخل مفقود والخارج مولود ــ سلطة بذرت النغمة في النفوس صار الخوف حاكماً للنفوس – صارت سلطة تضغط على المواطن وعبر له بإستمرار بأنه عرضة لخطر داهم خطر مستدام – رجالات السلطة بالنسبة للمواطن ينتهكون عاداته وحقوقه في الأرض في المرعى وتروعه إدارياً وتعاقبه لأتفه الأسباب ، وبهذا عادت الدولة ( السلطة ) كهيئة معادية ومهددة للشعب يرفضها مواطنوها ، وعبارات ملكية الدولة والصالح العام ليس أكثر من خداع أيديولوجي وما ينتزع من أرض بإسمه يذهب لحفنة وفئة من بطانة النظام بعد أن تنتزع من أصحابها الأصليين ، وغدت السلطة التي تدير الدولة بإسم الجماهير جهاز إستغلال وإضطهاد ، تعرضت علاقة الدولة والمواطن لإختلال مما كرس حالة من اليأس والاغتراب عن الدولة بل والفرار الجماعي الذي لم يسبق له مثيل ، وتحولت الدولة لملاك تديره أقلية من ذوي الامتيازات بيدها كل السلطة وأكثرية تلهث وراء القوت اليومي تبحث عن مجرد البقاء وتحرم من المشاركة السياسية بما فيها جموع اللاجئين الذين حرموا من حق العودة لديارهم بعد ذلك الاستقلال .

وعلى صعيد المقاومة للاستبداد فلا تزال في صحراء التيه وتدور في فلك التشتت والتشرذم رغم ما أنجزت من إطار جامع وواسع إلا أنها من الناحية العملية فلا تزال في مدار التيه وتحتاج لتفعيل برامجها وخلق آليات جماعية ينجز بها الجميع الهدف المشترك وعلى صعيد منظمات المجتمع المدني فلسنا بحاجة لتكرار ذات التشرذم الذي أبتليت به ساحة القوى السياسة وكل ما هو مطلوب منها الالتفاف على برامج جماعية وخلق أوسع مواعين نضالية ممكنة وعليها أن تستلهم دروس وعبر ثورة سبتمبر التي حولت شعب صغير لعملاق فج في قلب الصخر الصلد طريق النصر ، وفي هذه الذكرى المجيد نقول لصناع سبتمبر عذراً أننا جميعاً تأخرنا وزاق  بعضنا عن الطريق وتخلى البعض الآخر عن كل شيئ وآثر آخرون السلامة وإستمرأوا الاستكانة والبعض تضخمت عنده الذات فلايرى إلا نفسه ورأيه وتجاوز بعضنا عهدكم  ....ولكنا نقول لابد من سبتمبر وإن طال الطريق ولابد من النصر لشعبنا وإن تطاولت وإشتدت المعاناة ولابد وأن ليل الظلم إلى زوال  وكل عام وأنتم بخير وإنشاء الله سبتمبر القادم على ربى بلادنا بعد إزالة الديكتاتورية المستبدة .

وثورة حتى النصر


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#3 | JamesHouff في 26-09-2016
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Then I worked for the construction of your new facility, picking out and running the bidding for environmental management processes and equipment. That facility had top of the range equipment for treating water, air, noise and waste. More than 1 billion yuan was allocated to environmental protection, out of an total budget of over 4 billion yuan. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">clean water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water standards</a>
#6 | Charlestes في 30-09-2016
Landa Nanographic Printing – A New Approach for Printing? <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">how to get a book published</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas wrapping</a> Growth considerations include: business strategy, marketing, share of the market, brand recognition, customer loyalty, and scalability with the business. The financial considerations look at operating margins, efficiency, Capital Expenditures along with the order-to-cash operating procedures that impact quality, product delivery and cycle time. Finally, and perhaps the one most sellers don&rsquo;t appreciate, may be the inherent risks inside business including the bench strength from the management team, customer/supplier concentration, intellectual property and competitive advantage. Offers to buy a firm are inextricably linked with all these elements. ,Manage Your Future: Building Your Personal Brand
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#7 | GerardoBal في 30-09-2016
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E-books usually are not books, they're e-commerce sites that permit you to read books. Small businesses are cutting their ad budgets but increasing their digital spending. What the government statisticians giveth 7 days, they taketh away the following week. The Road Warrior thinks you must not buy Windows 7, but buy a fresh computer instead, unless you are Linux geek like they are. You know you're getting old when Patty Duke is making Social Security commercials and you could remember a time in the event the price of any color scanner experienced a comma, and there have been five zeroes from the price. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a>
#8 | Williamiminc في 01-10-2016
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#9 | MichaelVep في 06-10-2016
Being Environmentally Conscious <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> When getting into your wide-format market and making the first or next capital investment in a very device, you will need to first answer a completely critical question: What will you intend to generate together with the machine? The reason this question is indeed important is how the product you sell or deliver may ultimately dictate the device you might acquire. A secondary question-prior to help make your purchase-is, How would you plan to develop outside your initial plans? As a sample: If you decide to go into wide-format using a low-cost solution that enables that you make signs for your web visitors, and would like to branch out into vehicle graphics or window graphics, will the equipment you've purchased print acceptably for anyone product areas? ,FREE: Financial Results on Track along with a “Wait and Seeâ€‌ Conference Call Theme: Summary of HP's Q2 Earnings Call
Workflow Automation at On Demand By Cary Sherburne, Senior WTT Editor April 26, 2007 -- It was terrific to find out On Demand last Boston in fact these years, plus the new convention center is marvelous. Not the smallest amount of of the company's wonders is provided for free wireless access throughout! The recent show trend toward more increased exposure of the organization of printing and fewer increased exposure of the printing equipment itself continued. As we mentioned earlier, Kodak chose not to create lots of its equipment, using 3D modeling on computer monitors to exhibit the wonders in the VersaMark, for an example. Of course, there is still many equipment within the show floor, nonetheless it seemed that&mdash;as using the last handful of shows&mdash;the crowds tended to collect more round the monitors than throughout the boxes. A good sign that we're maturing to be a digital industry, through any time we hit drupa 2008, we really should be seeing even much more of that. One area that is certainly heating is Web-to-Print. There are actually a variety of Web-to-Print solutions for the market for any while now, but the fact that was different this coming year was the cost point. Suppliers are which makes it easier for graphic communications companies to implement storefronts as well as other e-commerce web solutions which make it easier for customers to submit print jobs, anytime/anywhere. In his keynote, InfoTrends&rsquo; Charlie Pesko said, &ldquo;Every time a human touches employment, you lose profit.&rdquo; Web-to-print is approach to keep those hands off and improve efficiency and profit. There was still being plenty of equipment about the show floor, but it really seemed that&mdash;as using the last few shows&mdash;the crowds tended to get together more about the monitors than throughout the boxes. A good sign that we have been maturing as being a digital industry, and also some time we hit drupa 2008, we needs to be seeing even a greater portion of that. One example of the for action is NowDocs&rsquo; introduction of NowPrint ASAP, a hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) version of the mature licensed software solution that may be from the marketplace a single form or some other for your past nine years. Founder and President Brad Adamske reported that the easy five-step, ten-minute configuration process prepares a custom site which is ready to look at orders, and without having set-up fee without long-term commitment, including no debit card required, the bill every month is usually as low as $100. NowDocs can be offering a 30-day risk free of NowPrint ASAP. How less difficult does it get than that? Initial traffic within the beta version continues to be good. Multiple files is usually uploaded together, and Adamske reports that high volumes already are being experienced, with 30 orders (including things like 38 files) hitting it in 18 minutes common by any means. The scalable server farm already has 50 servers set up, and is run on Microsoft&rsquo;s .NET 2.0 Framework. The SaaS version uses a similar code base as NowPrint and NowPrint Enterprise, which means SaaS customers benefit from your company&rsquo;s many numerous years of market experience as well as a stable solution. EFI launched Digital StoreFront 3.0. According to EFI&rsquo;s Chuck Gehman, very little part from the system was untouched within this major update. It supplies the use of Printable&rsquo;s Fusion Pro or XMPie for variable data and could be implemented in as few as 2 days. Available as either SaaS or licensed software, Gehman points too Digital StoreFront is dramatically easier to work with. EFI has installed Digital StoreFront in over 1,600 locations and Gehman reports that it really is certainly one of the quickest growing software products in EFI&rsquo;s extensive portfolio. Xerox was showing its FreeFlow Print Server 6.0, the follow-through to its DocuSP digital front for your DocuColor 5000, 7000 and 8000 digital presses. With a fresh, customizable graphical user interface and lots of new ease-of-use features, the FreeFlow Print Server continues Xerox&rsquo; tradition of delivering a productive end-to-end workflow by way of a blend of best-of-class partners and Xerox-developed solutions. In its booth, Xerox featured four turnkey applications: Books &amp; Manuals, Collateral By Request, Direct Mail and TransPromo, preassembled applications making it easier for customers to implement as an alternative to requiring you to seek out each of the piece-parts on his or her own. Press-Sense is among those partners. Also a long-time provider of Web-to-Print solutions which consists of iWay offering, Press-Sense introduced an SaaS offering called OrderSense, positioned to be a stepping-stone, ease-of-entry solution that may be implemented without creating a significant dedication to internal IT resources which is part of an continuum of Press-Sense offerings that enable users to simply migrate upmarket because their businesses grow. As on the show, pricing wasn't established, however the product will probably be available mid-May. Press-Sense&rsquo;s Shelagh Hammer reports there are a lot more than 1,000 installs of Press-Sense iWay up to now, as well as the company is searching for good market uptake around the OrderSense SaaS offering, which can be built for the same mature code base. Kodak launched its Web-to-Print Solution built into its Prinergy workflow solution, including electronic ordering; commerce and tracking; connectivity to digital printing systems; templates that customers can make use of to make customized variable data print applications; plus a array of other online capabilities. The company also showed an updated NexStation digital nose because of its NexPress digital press family which is also integrated with Prinergy and appears for being the 1st solution about the sell to integrate Adobe&rsquo;s new PDF Print Engine technology. While Web-to-Print is surely an important aspect of a much more productive business design, MIS is essential at the same time. There were several MIS solutions being shown for the show, high are going to be a lot more to view at Graph Expo within the fall RSA showed a different version of that popular WebCRD solution, targeted on the enterprise and billed as &ldquo;Your Portal for the Print Center.&rdquo; WebCRD won a Best of Show award within the Workflow Solutions category on the show. This latest version of WebCRD introduced numerous enhancements, for example the WebCRD Production Dashboard and also additional Enterprise Integration capabilities. With the Production Dashboard, operators can easily see, literally &lsquo;at-a-glance&rsquo;, a live status of the quantity of impressions/orders/efforts are from the production workflow, and filter by job status (i.e. received, make ready, printing, printed, etc.) through job characteristics for example date, paper stock, and color versus B&amp;W. WebCRD&rsquo;s single-screen, WYSIWYG job ticket is slick&mdash;wonderfully done as well as simple to work with. Presstek had the sole offset presses for the show floor, featuring its Presstek 34 DI and Presstek 52 DI. According to President &amp; CEO Ed Marino, Presstek&rsquo;s focus continues for being improving productivity with focus on making plans out in the process, besides making the steps faster. Along those lines, Presstek&rsquo;s theme&mdash;&ldquo;Be More Capable &hellip; Profitable &hellip; Competitive&rdquo;&mdash;emphasized the way the DI press make a difference to a printer&rsquo;s business. Joining Presstek to use booth was Grover Daniels, a fourth generation printer and owner of Boston&rsquo;s Copy Cop and The Digital Printing Company. Daniels and his awesome team were demonstrating their Printable-based Web-to-Print solution being an demonstration of driving large volumes of print towards the DI press through the Web. The example getting used was from the top end property firm, Landvest, how the firm have been pursuing for over per year. Acording to Daniels, the mix from the firm&rsquo;s online presence, powered by Printable, plus the 300 lpi quality of the DI press was what finally landed the sale. Artworks was showing its Enfocus Neo, which garnered an On Demand Best of Show award from the document creation category. Neo is often a cool native PDF application for highly productive editing and delivers fast editing and page handling of complex PDFs, even over remote connections using standard laptops. PDFs are rapidly manipulated to your operator's liking, with real-time zooms for the highest amounts of detail. On another note, Screen was showing its impressive Truepress Jet520, a consistent-feed, single-pass printing device for producing catalogs, direct mail pieces, full-color account statements along with other variable materials. The Truepress Jet520 allows users to set down documents, vary images and change colors to print personalized information, using the aid of front-end applications that happen to be connected to customer databases. Available as being a simplex or duplex model, the Truepress Jet520 has a printing unit and rewinder/unwinder unit. It features a printing width of 5.9 inches to 20 inches and paper width of 6.4 inches to 20.4 inches. The print speed is automatically adjusted depending on how soon data will be processed. At 720 dpi x 360 dpi, the Truepress Jet520 prints in the rate of 209.9 feet each minute, the same as 50,000 impressions hourly. During the show, I had an opportunity to fulfill with Andrew Field, President &amp; CEO of PrintingForLess, in Livingston, Montana ( see video ). As you imagine having, that location just isn't a hotbed of printing activity, so Andrew took his web based business in 1999. He presenting 175 employees and 100% of his business comes with the web. At 2006 revenues of $24 million, PrintingForLess is usually a great example on the success one is capable of doing via Web-to-print. If you happen to be thinking of adding Web-to-Print, require a look on the site to acquire ideas. While Web-to-Print is undoubtedly an important portion of a far more productive enterprize model, MIS is significant likewise. There were several MIS solutions being shown for the show, there is going to be more to find out at Graph Expo within the fall. I spent time with Patrick Bolan, President of Avanti, an organization that may be in operation for 23 years, understanding that may be demonstrating at On Demand for that last eight. Avanti includes, among its 26 modules, a Web-to-Print aspect together with estimating, job costing and shop floor management. Bolan is visiting a growing trend in hybrid offset/digital print shops among his client base, with 50% to 60% of Avanti solutions entering those shops. A year ago, he admits that, the percentages were a good bit lower. A traditional offset shop using Avanti and adding be sure you press usually takes benefit from Avanti&rsquo;s digital estimating module, literally integrating that digital press to the shop workflow in as low as quarter-hour, in line with Bolan. He suggests that anytime you've to reenter data for your systems, what he calls a &ldquo;break point&rdquo; occurs. Break points charge a small fee and cause islands of automation and potential for error. In a current study of 2,400 orders, each with seven to eight break points, Avanti determined the firm which was being studied could save $150,000 to $180,000 a year just by eliminating those break points. With an entry cost of $20,000, Avanti&mdash;or for the matter, any&mdash;MIS system is just not merely a bargain, but absolutely essential for continued business success. EDSF conducted its Industry Leaders luncheon to your packed house at On Demand, and developed a pitch for attendees to secure the organization&rsquo;s efforts to have more young professionals to careers in your industry. According to Frank Romano, who spoke with the event, we have to attract 60,000 new individuals to our industry yearly in order to stay even Pace Systems seemed to be on the show, showcasing new ePace features that enable printers to streamline data entry, drive sales productivity and provide dynamic web-to-print solutions, such as ability to include pre-configured item templates to contain job production requirements, job material needs and scheduling details. Templates is usually utilized for manual job entry, web-to-print orders and permit automatic replenishment of finished goods items. ePace also now includes an internal CRM module for managing existing customer and prospect information to raise revenue opportunities. And its strategic partnerships with Printable Technologies, Press-sense iWay and Responsive Solutions bring integrated Web-to-Print ways of the combination also. While while using the SaaS model decreases the desire for on-site IT employees, the requirement remains to be there, and also more-so when you choose an accredited software version of Web-to-Print and/or implementation associated with an MIS solution. PrintingForLess, one example is, has ten IT/IS professionals on its staff of 175. Printing firms needs to be trying to find IT-savvy employees to enhance the craftspeople they traditionally employ. EDSF conducted its Industry Leaders luncheon to your packed house at On Demand, and produced pitch for attendees to offer the organization&rsquo;s efforts to get more of the sorts of young professionals to careers in your industry. According to Frank Romano, who spoke with the event ( see video), we should attract 60,000 new individuals to our industry each year in order to stay even&mdash;and, he talked about, we'd like their fresh thinking. It is really worth investment of the the perfect time to visit EDSF&rsquo;s site to discover how you are able to sign up and keep our industry vital as well as its pool of potential job candidates big enough to offer our needs. In my, support of organizations like EDSF is definitely as vital that you your future success as pursuing workflow automation. It is kind of a chicken and egg thing&mdash;we end up needing the automation to keep competitive and grow our businesses, and that we need the modern talent so as to implement the automation. With On Demand behind us, we're also already looking toward Graph Expo and drupa 2008, where we will discover a lot more increased exposure of workflow and automation. You is usually certain that WhatTheyThink will probably be there to get you the many latest news. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a>
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