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ذكرى ثورة سبتمبر1961 – 2012

ذكرى ثورة سبتمبر1961 – 2012

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تزف أسرة تحرير أومال التهنئة لأبناء شعبنا الارتري في الداخل والشتات بمناسبة الذكرى ال51 لإنطلاق ثورة الشعب الارتري ضد الاستعمار الإلحاقي الكهنوتي الإثيوبي وتهنئ رعيل الثورة ومقاتليها البواسل الذين صنعوا المعجزات وسجلوا الملاحم البطولية التي أذهلت العالم وحققوا النصر المؤزر ، وليس بمستغرب أن يحي الشعب الارتري في كل عام ذكرى إندلاع ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر تلك الثورة المجيدة التي أشعل أورها القائد الشهيد حامد إدريس عواتي ورفاقه من الرعيل الأول وسار تحت لوائها أبناء شعبنا الارتري من رحيتا في دنكاليا وحتى رأس قصار في الساحل ومن فورتو في إكلي قوزاي لتمرات في بركة ، دفعوا خلال عقود النضال أرواح ودماء فلذات أكبادهم دفعوا عشرات الألوف من الشهداء ، قدموا أموالهم بذلوا كل شيئ من أجل الحرية والكرامة والإستقلال والديمقراطية  لهذا يحتفلون بها تجديدا للعهد وإستعادة لذكرى الأبطال الذين شقوا طريق الكرامة والحرية وسقوا دروب النضال بدمائهم الطاهرة ، وكان الآمل الذي يحث خطاهم على الطريق ويدفعهم للبذل ولمزيد من البذل أنهم أصحاب حق راسخ وقضية عادلة ونصر أكيد وسيصلون في نهاية المطاف ومهما كانت التضحيات لدولة الكرامة سينالون الاستقلال سيعود أهليهم من مناطق اللجوء الي بيوتهم الى قراهم الى مدنهم إلى مراتع ذكريات الصبى ، لهذا كانت التضحية والبسالة عالية جداً والثمن كبير جداً بحجم الوطن الأمل بحجم المطلب التاريخي مطلب حق تقرير المصير خاصة ، ورغم أن الشعب ومناضليه كانوا يواجهون بقوات إستعمارية من دولة جارة تربطهم بها حدود طويلة ووشائج متنوعة وكانت تلك الدولة الجارة أثيوبيا محكومة بقبضة الكهنوت المسنود من الاقطاع والكنيسة  والاستعلاء القومي الذي أذاق حتى الشعوب الأثيوبية الويلات ودفعها للثورة وبعد مجيئ النظام العسكري بإنقلابه الشهير 1974م أمل الأثيوبيون ولكنه تمسك بذات النهج وتشدد ضد القضية الوطنية الارترية ورفض تطبيق مبدأ حق تقرير المصير على الشعب الارتري وحاول أن يغلف طرحه بالغطاء الأيديوبوجي ، لهذا جرت معه المواجهات الأكثر ضراوة ودمويةً وأخيراً هزم نظام الدرق الاستعماري وأنجز الارتريون الإستقلال ، ورغم أن الشعب الارتري قد أنجز إستقلال ترابه الوطني وتمكن من طرد قوات الاحتلال بعد صراع طويل ومرير ودامي إلا أنه لم يستمتع بثمار تضحياته الغالية ، جاء الكيان الذي لم يتطور لدولة بمفهوم الدولة العصرية التي تحتضن كل أبنائها بل إتجه نحو السلطة الشمولية وهي تحولت مع الوقت لملك عضوض تحورت فيه حتى علاقات الحزب الشمولي نفسه .

المواطن العادي مثلت له الدولة التي حلم بها غول يتهدد أبنائه لايرى منها إلا كشات الخدمة العسكرية الأبدية والتي يصدق عليها المثل الدخل مفقود والخارج مولود ــ سلطة بذرت النغمة في النفوس صار الخوف حاكماً للنفوس – صارت سلطة تضغط على المواطن وعبر له بإستمرار بأنه عرضة لخطر داهم خطر مستدام – رجالات السلطة بالنسبة للمواطن ينتهكون عاداته وحقوقه في الأرض في المرعى وتروعه إدارياً وتعاقبه لأتفه الأسباب ، وبهذا عادت الدولة ( السلطة ) كهيئة معادية ومهددة للشعب يرفضها مواطنوها ، وعبارات ملكية الدولة والصالح العام ليس أكثر من خداع أيديولوجي وما ينتزع من أرض بإسمه يذهب لحفنة وفئة من بطانة النظام بعد أن تنتزع من أصحابها الأصليين ، وغدت السلطة التي تدير الدولة بإسم الجماهير جهاز إستغلال وإضطهاد ، تعرضت علاقة الدولة والمواطن لإختلال مما كرس حالة من اليأس والاغتراب عن الدولة بل والفرار الجماعي الذي لم يسبق له مثيل ، وتحولت الدولة لملاك تديره أقلية من ذوي الامتيازات بيدها كل السلطة وأكثرية تلهث وراء القوت اليومي تبحث عن مجرد البقاء وتحرم من المشاركة السياسية بما فيها جموع اللاجئين الذين حرموا من حق العودة لديارهم بعد ذلك الاستقلال .

وعلى صعيد المقاومة للاستبداد فلا تزال في صحراء التيه وتدور في فلك التشتت والتشرذم رغم ما أنجزت من إطار جامع وواسع إلا أنها من الناحية العملية فلا تزال في مدار التيه وتحتاج لتفعيل برامجها وخلق آليات جماعية ينجز بها الجميع الهدف المشترك وعلى صعيد منظمات المجتمع المدني فلسنا بحاجة لتكرار ذات التشرذم الذي أبتليت به ساحة القوى السياسة وكل ما هو مطلوب منها الالتفاف على برامج جماعية وخلق أوسع مواعين نضالية ممكنة وعليها أن تستلهم دروس وعبر ثورة سبتمبر التي حولت شعب صغير لعملاق فج في قلب الصخر الصلد طريق النصر ، وفي هذه الذكرى المجيد نقول لصناع سبتمبر عذراً أننا جميعاً تأخرنا وزاق  بعضنا عن الطريق وتخلى البعض الآخر عن كل شيئ وآثر آخرون السلامة وإستمرأوا الاستكانة والبعض تضخمت عنده الذات فلايرى إلا نفسه ورأيه وتجاوز بعضنا عهدكم  ....ولكنا نقول لابد من سبتمبر وإن طال الطريق ولابد من النصر لشعبنا وإن تطاولت وإشتدت المعاناة ولابد وأن ليل الظلم إلى زوال  وكل عام وأنتم بخير وإنشاء الله سبتمبر القادم على ربى بلادنا بعد إزالة الديكتاتورية المستبدة .

وثورة حتى النصر


#71 | Marvinsr في 17-11-2016
WaterAid responds to DFID pledge on frontier economies <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">reverse osmosis water system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> More than per year later, the Rust Belt capital of scotland - 100,000 is still reeling from your effects of your water supply that has been found last fall to are actually poisoned with extremely high degrees of lead. Just immediately, officials reported which they witnessed a spike in Legionnaires??disease ??an extreme form of pneumonia ??after Flint began with all the water through the Flint river that proved problematic. While causation continues to be unknown, scientists studying the water problem predicted a spike in the disease. ,Saving water could cut water-heating emissions by 30%, report finds
More than 30 bottles of standard water offered on the Water Menu, including Belu at آ£5.50 for 75cl and 420 Volcanic spring water from New Zealand at آ£21 for 42cl ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">house water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> ,Health authorities have assured residents of an regional New South Wales city its water supply is not contaminated after panic spread that youngsters bathing in Broken Hill،¯s water were developing sores and rashes.
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#72 | ThomasSot في 19-11-2016
Chapter VII – Conditioning Your Mind <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">commercial office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticky labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Custom Labels</a> By Barb Pellow and David Haueter Published: October 22, 2015 ,Standard Register Sells Equipment Service Division, Posts Net Gain: Summary of Q4 Earnings Call
Print incorporates a Role inside Mix ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">commercial office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish your own book</a> The portal carries a calendar for convenient mention of live events with intriguing titles like Meet Me in the Corner of Tech &amp; Touch, a WebEx session introducing solutions to enhance customer ROI with print collateral. As with numerous from the other sessions, it doesn&rsquo;t stop with the WebEx itself. Dscoop University provides case studies, PowerPoint slides and InDesign files for just a high impact campaign that students can personalize and distribute to clients. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">publishing companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">how to self publish a book</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas gift bags</a>
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#73 | Josephdaup في 19-11-2016
'It's really a wake-up call to government leaders' <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">water purification</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">pure water systemsmanufacturers</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">water filtration companies</a> In Rio, a lot of sewage goes untreated and runs down hillside ditches and streams into Olympic water venues which might be littered with floating rubbish, household waste as well as dead animals. ,Human rights and equality must lead future development agenda, poll finds
Photograph: Danita Delimont/Alamy ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">reverse osmosis system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">home water filtration</a> ,Instead of focusing around the supply and installing sanitation hardware to communities, CLTS focuses on changing attitudes and behaviour through community mobilisation to halt open defecation, also to build and employ latrines.
watersinfo.org Workers stand on the emergency stairs in a office building during an earthquake drill in Mexico City. Photograph: Bernardo Montoya/Reuters ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">ro water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">house water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">commercial water Purifiers</a> ,They can be made from natural materials for example chipped bark, cocoa shells, gravel, grass cuttings or straw, although on allotments, where aesthetics aren't such very important, plastic sheeting can be popular - the vegetables are only planted in slits within the material. Flowerbeds that have been mulched will require considerably less water than these with bare soils: and the thicker the mulch, greater effective it is - a mulch of at the very least 5-10cm will produce a big difference.
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#74 | MathewPi في 20-11-2016
Free Special: The Feet about the Floor and also the Seats inside the Sessions <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">print labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">package printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">booklet printing</a> Xerox features a long-term presence in exactly what it terms developing markets. For example, Xerox has become established in Mexico for forty years, Egypt for 25 years and Russia since the early 1970s. In-market manufacturing comes about in Mexico, Egypt, Brazil and India. Developing Markets returned to profitability for Xerox in 2002, and represented 11% of Xerox' revenues, building a $90 million profit contribution to the corporation for that year. ,Buy, Sell or Hold? The Analysts' View of Creo
The foundations for acquiring talent and &ldquo;building your bench&rdquo; will include clearly defining the eligibility and suitability competencies to try to find. Incorporating the by using validated and reliable assessment technology along with the capacity to conduct successful interviews are important to your making success. If you acknowledge that your particular future success will likely be established by attracting the essential talent to complete new and innovative strategies than designing your projects flow is really a critical component. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom packaging</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply storage</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">custom gifts</a> The waterless Rapida 74 G uncovers new avenues for cost-effective printing on expensive substrates and guarantees ghosting-free most current listings for even probably the most critical forms. It combines the virtues in the flexible unit-type press design (as much as 8 colors, perfecting, coating, perforating, numbering...) with all the distinctive benefits on the patented GravuflowTM inking unit, which is definitely well known from KBA's 74 Karat press. A conventional Rapida 74, similar in new design is actually many additional features (automatic plate changing, impression cylinder washing...), joined the action, printing various jobs at 18,000 sheets/hr. ,ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">book printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Printing Services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">custom labels</a>
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#75 | MathewPi في 20-11-2016
The State in the Print Marketplace: A New Day for Print could possibly be Dawning <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish books</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">how to get a book published</a> Our readers also voiced the strong opinion which the associations must focus their efforts on understanding evolving industry needs and articulating a definite vision and value proposition for their members. And many felt that organizational structure that's both national and local elements is usually a critical enabler to accomplishing these objectives. Here&rsquo;s a sampling of whatever they had to mention: ,Interview with Jeff Patera, SVP and GM of Technology & Solutions Development, IPS
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#76 | MathewPi في 21-11-2016
An Interview with Creo’s Judi Hess – Part Two: Creo’s R&D: Evolution or Revolution? <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">shipping label</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">reliable office supplies online</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom packaging</a> By Barb Pellow Published: February 12, 2009 ,Thought Leadership Counts!
Kodak continue to advance its graphic communications business since it efforts to emerge from bankruptcy, treating its digital printing, plate, and workflow operations as secrets to survival and future success. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">wrapping paper</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> My hope is that this attendee turnout at Print 09 is going to be high, and this attendees will likely be devoted to addressing these problems. Even if you are able to&rsquo;t go to your show, there exists plenty of data available around the Web&mdash;either completely from suppliers for the industry or even in articles like this on WhatTheyThink plus in other trade publications&mdash;to have you started about the road to recovery. Don&rsquo;t wait this place out &hellip; as I write this, I am reminded of considered one of my personal favorite quotations from a mysterious source: ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrapping</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">color printing service</a>
printing-in-china.com Dennis Castiglione, executive director of Print America Inc., certainly one of industry&rsquo;s longest-running peer groups, agrees. Group members &ldquo;virtually lay it for the line to the other&mdash;we&rsquo;re all inside business of keeping the other person running a business,&rdquo; he states. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">package printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas wrapping</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">custom business cards</a> We've got a large amount of customers who will be stepping into fulfillment or managing data and finding alternative methods to supply more services to their clientele, and print work is just not their total focus much more. Even magazine printers consider over publication sites. They've already got your data, the photographs along with the content. Why wouldn't they manage and host the site? Why not manage the response cards with the publisher? .
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#77 | MathewPi في 22-11-2016
JDF: What if We Threw a Party and No One Came? <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">print business cards</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrapping supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed boxes</a> How will you understand that business you simply bought goes to help keep earning what you’ve been promised? What questions in case you be asking, what contingency plans when you be building, and what hang-ups in case you be looking out for? The partners at New Direction Partners involve some answers for many people. ,Interview with Scott Hughes, Rookie Print Buyer of the Year
Ingram Reorganization: A Sign in the Times ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">cheap business cards</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply storage</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business supplies</a> Rules are useful, but the best typography for packaging is neither hidebound by them nor resistant to ideas from elsewhere within the spectrum of visual communications. Mark Chapman, a packaging specialist in the U.K., writes that while using rise of social networking, some brands are transferring their online identities to offline marketing through changes to their packaging. These could are the use &ldquo;whimsical, hand-drawn or hand-written typography&rdquo; to let consumers know there is really a human face behind the brand. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">color printing service</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label printer</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticky labels</a>
printing-in-china.com Over yesteryear several years there continues to be one with the greatest quantities of change that's ever happened. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">how to self publish a book</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">print labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">quality office supplies</a> The Hidden Demands of Print On Demand .
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#78 | Michaelnep في 22-11-2016
Australia's largest river close to running dry <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">pure water</a> Our latest Water Innovators scheme challenges employees to solve a real problem from the work, using know-how and creative fundraising. ,Pepsi takes fight with Coca-Cola into potato fields
George has previously raised &pound;16,500 for WaterAid, having chosen to guide us for his Bar Mitzvah year. In April, he visited Zambia to see how his fundraising attempts are helping transform lives through entry to safe water and sanitation. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">whole house water treatment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> ,آ· Email your comments to society. If you are writing a comment for publication, please mark clearly for publication
watersinfo.org In the case of traditional overhead spray irrigation, large volumes of water are lost through evaporation and excess surface run-off, along with through mist and overspray brought on by wind. Drip irrigation avoids such wastage through the use of water directly on the plant's root zone. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">water filtration companies</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">water purification</a> ,We must recognise how a UK's water footprint is having an influence on global water scarcity. We should ask whether or not it is directly to import green beans �or perhaps roses �from water-stressed countries like Kenya, said professor Peter Guthrie, chair in the group of engineers who compiled the report. The burgeoning demand for water from developed countries is putting severe pressure on areas which are already in short supply of water. Our water footprint is important, he said.
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#79 | MathewPi في 23-11-2016
IPEX – A Digital Printing Show <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">custom wraps</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office products</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">banner printing</a> However, as a general rule customers that are new on the inkjet world don&rsquo;t have much experience using this sort of testing, press OEMs and leading paper companies provide consulting services to find out and linearize papers. These services may be an excellent time saver since a professional paper expert can profile each paper in a very several hours in which a print professional with less paper testing experience could wish for 4 to 8 hours per paper, causing now more downtime within the press. ,The Current State in the Graphics & Sign Industry
Since 1993, the average monthly comparison to the prior year may be +0.4% but -1.8% when adjusted for inflation. For the very last 1 year, +3.4% in current dollars and +3.3% after inflation. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrapping supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">printed boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">print labels</a> The Dating Game: Details in the Moore and Wallace Merger ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticky labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a>
printing-in-china.com &bull; Plates might be rotated within the unload table to exit with the back too because side ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish books</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">package printing</a> Conducted simply by Noel Ward October 30, 2002 -- Oc&eacute; Printing Systems USA began the show ahead of the doors opened Monday morning having a press conference that crowded the corporation's booth as press and analysts paid attention to Carl Joachim and Guy Broadhurst describe the highlights and broad capabilities in the new VarioPrint and VarioStream groups of print engines. The new engines are a significant step of progress for Oc&eacute;, and so are replete with features and capabilities that address a broad selection of cut sheet and continuous form printing requirements within the transactional and publishing markets. As noted previously on WTT, VARIO means Variable Input and Output of both datastreams and substrates. The roll-fed VarioStream is scalable from 191 to nearly 1,300 images each and every minute, which enable it to print with MICR toner at 1060 images each and every minute, soon being increased to almost 1,300. According to an independent study by IDC, Oc&eacute; solutions provide the highest monthly capacities and lowest total cost of ownership in production printing. While those numbers are impressive, it can be cut-sheet printing that accounts for some 85% in the U.S. digital production printing market. Extending Oc&eacute;'s reach into that market may be the job with the new VarioPrint series, the VarioPrint 5115 and 5160, along with other models to check out. Both will probably be offering MICR and highlight color capabilities. The new lines will dsicover early customer engagement late inside the first quarter of 2003 and will likely be generally for sale in June 2003. (Noel Ward, Editor@Large, WTT) Guy Broadhurst is Director of Product Programs for Oce Printing Systems USA. He invested some time to respond to a few questions relating to announcements. WTT: How much of such new machines is actually new and how much will determined by existing technology? Guy Broadhurst: The two new Oc&eacute; VarioStream and VarioPrint product families provide very new digital print capabilities for your market. The systems enhance the most effective of our own existing technology and extend further to higher address customer and market requirements in the continuous form and cut-sheet arenas. The capabilities made available from VarioPrint and VarioStream boost the bar for print engines in today&rsquo;s convergent market and redefine how a really broad variety of jobs might be produced using new feature sets, more speed and quality imaging. There is totally new technology in almost every part of the new Oc&eacute; VarioPrint and Oc&eacute; VarioStream systems. Over 100 significant engineering changes have triggered substantive improvements to 90% of the subsystems to the VarioStream line as well as over 80% in the Oc&eacute; VarioPrint products. WTT: What do you mean whenever you say Vario means Variable Input and Output? Guy Broadhurst: It means a number of different things. When we reference Variable, we reference the two input and output sides. First, our company offers the capacity to send 240/ 300 as well as 600 dpi data streams on the printers as a standard feature. In addition, the modern machines, using PRISMA software, can accept data in a number of different formats, including Xerox, IBM, PostScript, PDF, and HP-PCL. This type of versatility can be a vital characteristic for print engines today because convergence requires just one print engine to run a variety of types of jobs. Machines that don&rsquo;t have this ability are considerably more limited with what they're able to do and will ultimately restrict the capabilities of an printing operation. Input can be about paper, and quite a few machines today are limited by a very narrow array of paper stocks--a range that doesn&rsquo;t represent all of the documents a customer might require. Our Vario families accept a broader selection of substrates than every other machine for the market today. The output side can be a reflection with the input. If you happen to be going to accept a variety of dpi and data streams, then you definitely should be capable of run different consumable types that include 240/ 300 or 600 dpi options. Additionally the output can develop a much wider array of documents than the usual machine that is limited by just one or 2 types of input. We have designed the two VarioPrint and VarioStream systems to integrate with finishing, post-processing and mailing technologies to provide end-to-end solutions for all those sorts of document production. This is why we've got made all our services UP3I compliant to enable them to integrate with new post-processing solutions as these are introduced. WTT: You talk a lot about scalability. What can you mean by this and where will be the real value for your customer? Guy Broadhurst: Scalability will be the foundation the way we designed a product line which has a wide breadth of functionality and capability. It allows customers to acquire a product that fits their needs today after which grow and adapt that product as their needs change. Historically, print engines from most vendors have been restricted to a rather narrow variety of feeds and speeds. For example, most print engines run at just one single resolution and print speed, have limited input trays, and lack truly flexible highlight color options. The new Oc&eacute; VarioPrint and Oc&eacute; VarioStream are scalable because they are able to be modified as needed to run at higher speeds, they accept our Quick Change Developer Stations for fast spot color and MICR toner changes, and will accommodate legacy data files that could print much better and economically at 240, 300 or 600 dpi. And those are simply basic examples. Under our Adaptable Imaging Architecture our new machines may also change as new options and technology are introduced. This helps deliver the lowest TCO in the industry because you are able to retain a core machine--and do more with it--more than a long time period. WTT: You also note these new machines are configurable. How is this not the same as what is offered by other vendors? Guy Broadhurst: The VarioPrint and VarioStream individuals are built with a modular technology platform and our AIA architecture. These design concepts ensure a customer can configure a process to get a specific need or application. With over 20 different types and configurations to chose after that is not any have to purchase features or capabilities that aren&rsquo;t needed. This approach goes a measure further, and that relates to scalability. As a client&rsquo;s need change, the device he bought to get a specific application might be re-configured in order to meet those changing needs. Maybe he has to print faster, add color or give you a finishing capability. With the inherent configurability of VarioPrint or VarioStream, those features can be added without changing the core machine. This gives a person investment protection of a flexible system that can change as his needs change. We think with this as providing a future-proof system with scalability. WTT: This all sounds great but printers frequently keep their digital printers for a number of years. How perform capabilities you describe enable them to after a while? Guy Broadhurst: Our new technology was made on four pillars. (1) Providing a brief time and energy to profit and a low cost of operation. This comes from the inherent flexibility with the machines. The more a machine are able to do in the lowest TCO possible, the more profitable it will probably be to the customer. (2) Convergence-ready versatility enables customers to deal with a broader range of jobs than they are able to on other machines. This opens the method to new opportunities and adds capabilities. (3) Ready-to-grow scalable architecture that will grow with a customer&rsquo;s needs so when technology evolves inside the future, reducing or eliminating the need for replacing entire machines. (4) These allow printers to function without worrying regarding equipment becoming obsolete. Just as vital, the rock-solid reliability Oc&eacute; products are recognized for is made into the brand new machines and that we expect you'll continue our tradition of 98% uptime within the VarioPrint and VarioStream family. .
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#80 | Andrewml في 23-11-2016
Mississippi river faces shipping freeze as water levels drop <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water softener</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">water systems</a> The increased runoff through the melting glaciers also threatens lives if glacial lakes burst their banks. Researchers estimate around 20 glacial lakes in Nepal are at chance of flooding populated areas initially. Then, after a couple of decades, because the ice vanishes, the water will start running dry for the many millions of people who depend upon rivers for example the Ganges, Mekong and Yangtze �all fed by the Himalayas. ,Urinetown: can director Jamie Lloyd make a splash with a toilet musical?
Set the personal Wahoo page here &gt; ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">reverse osmosis water filter system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> ,Mr Bogaerts says among his motivations is to raise the's knowing of just how interconnected, therefore also vulnerable, the method is, because should you contaminate one part you risk contaminating the entire thing. Awareness is increasing, the diver said, but it must keep pace with all the extremely rapid pace of development.
watersinfo.org If the World Water Forum is seriously interested in its goal to implement solutions to the global water crisis, it should change direction. The disastrous privatisation experiment has to be put to bed and investment produced in accountable public solutions that will deliver the human to water for all those. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water purification systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">Water Treatment system</a> ,Ati may not should be forced to pay for up, but it really is now up to her village to be sure she won't, again, thirst for safe water.
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