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عام على رحيل القائدالمناضل عبدالله إدريس

عام على رحيل القائدالمناضل عبدالله إدريس

رحل عن دنيانا في مثل هذا اليوم من العام الماضي 2011م القائد الشهيد عبدالله إدريس محمد سليمان رئيس جبهة التحرير الارترية  ، وهو الرجل الذي أفنى عمره مناضلاً  من أجل حرية  إرتريا الأرض والانسان  وأبوإبراهيم  عن التعريف فهوالرجل الذي يعرفه الشعب الارتري من رأس قصار لرأس دميرا رجل تعرفه وديان إرتريا وسهولها وجبالها  عرفته منذ أيام نضاله الأولى المرتفعات والسهول الساحلية  وديان بركة وعنسبا حيث صال وجال وقاتل بين رفاقه  في مختلف الأصقاع الارترية لهذا كان رمزاً من رموز الكفاح من أجل الحرية والاستقلال .

كان من بين الرجال الذين لم يلينوا أو يتراجعوا رغم كل الظروف غير المواتية والعواصف العاتية التي واجهها إيام سنوات النضال وعلى رأسها أكثرمن محاولة فاشلة لتصفيته جسدياً  كان أهمها محاولة الاغتيال في الخرطوم والبلاد على أبواب لاستقلال .

ورغم كل العوائق ومحاولات التصفية الجسدية  ، ظل وفياً لجبهة التحريرمؤمناً بعدالة مطالب الشعب في الحرية والكرامة والحقوق الديمقراطية والمدنية للشعب الارتري وحتمية إستعادته لحقوقه كاملة غير منقوصة .

كان رجلاً لايعرف اليأس أو الاحباط  ، وكان عنيداً كجبال إرتريا ، كان يرددعلى الدوام بيت الشاعر عبد الله البردوني ويقول لابد من صنعاء وإن طال السفر لابد للشعب أن يستعيد حقوقه  كان يزرع الأمل والاحتما ل  والقوة وحتمية الانتصار بعون الله ، ولتقوية الأمل يحكي عن الكثير من اللحظات القاسية التي إعتقد فيها الناس أنها النهاية ولكن لطالما كانت تخرج الثورة أقوى وأكبر بصبر الرجال وثباتهم وتحديهم لكل المعيقات والظروف وتحويلها لإنتصارات وصمود وكان يؤمن على الدوام بأن شعبنا سينتصر .

كانت له شبكة علاقات إجتماعية وسياسية واسعة سخرها لخدمة القضية الوطنية العادلة وتذليل عوائق وصعوبات طريق النضال .

كان لايقبل المواقف المسبقة والأحكام النمطية حول الشخصيات  وكان يرى أن كثيرمن المواقف سببها سوء الفهم وعدم التواصل والأحكام النمطية الاسقاطية ،  ولهذا كان يرى أن التواصل بين الناس يصحح الكثيرمن الصورة النمطية .

لهذا كان فقد أبوإبراهيم  بحجم الوطن والشعب الارتري ، بحجم مناضلي جيش التجرير بحجم الجبهة  بكل عمقها وتاريخها كان حزناً واسعاً بكثافة الرجال الذين شاركهم سنوات القاتل من أجل الحرية والاستقلال  ، كان بحجم الرجال الذين خاضوامعه الملاحم في  سلع دعروا ، أغردات ، تسني ، بارنتو ، مندفرا ، في إكلي قوزاي في حماسين في بركة في الساحل في عنسبا في سيتيت ولهذا كان بحجم الفقد  الكبير النعي الواسع الذي ملئ شبكات الانترنت وكانت بحجم الارتريين سرادق العزاء في كل القارات ، أم الموكب الجنائزي فكان في مدينة كسلا مهيباً بجلل الفقد ووفاء الشعب والأشقاء والأصدقاء ، كان وفاء شعب ً لرجل لم يدخر في نضاله شيئ كان في سرادق العزاء ومقابرالحسن والحسين في كسلا كل الأجيال كل الأعماركان موكباً مهيباً تلاشت فيه كل التناقضات الثانوية وكان الجميع يعزي بعضه بعضاً .

نعم كان الشعب الارتري الوفي لهذا بقى وسيبقى أو إبراهيم رمزاً للعزة والكبرياء رمزاً لكل مقاتلي وشهداء جيش التحرير. الرحمة والمغفرة لك وأنت في عليائك وسنبقى نحن نحفظ للرجال عطائهم ودورهم وسنبقى ما حيينا  نذكر الأجيال بمناقب الرجال الذين إفترشوا الأرض وإلتحفوا السماء وتبقى يا أبوابراهيم رمزاً للتحدي والنضال العنيد .

على الدرب ثائرون وجبهةٌ حتى النصر.

أسرة تحرير أومال

#31 | MichaelVep في 14-10-2016
Quad/Graphics CEO Speaks Out about Book Platform Transformation, State with the Industry, Go-Forward Strategy <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> There&rsquo;s no used in pretending that digital alternatives to&mdash;and arguable replacements for&mdash;conventional litho presses haven&rsquo;t finally landed inside our midst. ,Production Inkjet Printing: Disruption or Opportunity?
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#32 | MichaelVep في 15-10-2016
The China Syndrome: Rapid Growth for Global Domination <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> You will want to familiarize yourself with the latest regulations and have a visa from the Cuban government. ,Survey of Digital Press Manufacturers: Critical Paper Requirements
Stay tuned. ,ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a>
#33 | AlbertStors في 16-10-2016
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But does every job need full color? What in the event the need is simply to print the corporation&rsquo;s logo from the right PMS color wherever it seems inside the document? Maybe info needs to become called out inside document -- or even differentiated -- for instance, in a site manual, showing an installer the way to connect the red wire as well as the green wire. They all can reap the benefits of color &hellip; but different forms of color. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">custom wraps</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">modern office supplies</a>
#34 | MarvinLag في 16-10-2016
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So precisely what are these presses. The Oc&eacute; InfiniStream is really a packaging press. It is usually a web press that runs heavy weight stock. I found it printing on 300 gsm gloss folding carton board. It runs at 120 meters/min which has a 28 inch wide web. This means 14,000 B2 sized sheets/hour or it is going to do 7,200 B1 sheets/hour. It is usually a simplex only press, as which is all you need for folding cartons. It&rsquo;s technology removes the toner carrier oil by both a blade and using a gas fired hot air dryer. The dryer can also be a heat recovery system that collects the heated removed oil and uses it to keep the air fusing process. The implementation with the InfiniStream was one from the best product innovations I have witnessed and I feel that it will probably be a significant success for Oc&eacute; when it will come to offer from the packaging area. It won't tackle Oc&eacute;&rsquo;s inkjet presses which might be aimed towards other markets. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish your own book</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">paper box manufacturers</a>
#35 | Peterfromb في 16-10-2016
Lower Volume and Pricing Pressures Drive Loss for Quebecor: Summary of Q2 Earnings Call <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> Jennifer Matt &ndash; WTT: If paper request has been handled by an e-mail, why don't you consider the many functions that are actually embedded in to the print driver on the years? (e.g. scale, page range, orientation, etc&hellipWink ,A Broadened Product Line Lets Ocأ© Cast a Wider Net
In addition to media, the printer uses two other consumables, a fusing agent as well as a detailing agent. The fusing agent can be a black substance that absorbs heat so helping fuse the plastic; as well as the detailing agent helps stop thermal bleed and produces very accurate details. Menino used the example with the ability to print very sharp scissors straight out in the printer. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a>
#36 | Peterfromb في 17-10-2016
xpedx Offers First Look at New Demo Center for Ryobi Presses <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> Here&rsquo;s a sampling with the latest entry-level CTP offerings, both with and without chemistry, about the floor at Print 05: ,Beer, Chocolate, and Xeikon: Good things come out of Belgium
At Drupa there was a great deal of cut sheet inkjet offerings, some either already installed, while others just shown as demonstrations in this particular category. While there have been some hints prior for the event, there was clearly an important variety of offset and EP press manufacturers that have started to embrace sheetfed inkjet. They are typical primarily targeted in the lucrative general commercial printing market. In many cases, commercial printers have embraced EP or liquid toner as a method to cope with any time and expenses regarding shorter runs also as new variable data requirements. However, many have started searching for a lower price, higher performance, more flexible solution on the EP and liquid toner products currently within the market. Most from the production inkjet offerings shown at Drupa were B2, which not simply increased the throughput over current sheetfed EP and liquid toner presses, and also reduced the unburdened print cost. And some even addressed flexibility requirements by creating solutions that might satisfy the massive amount media requirements of an commercial printer.What was interesting was how each made a decision to address the revolutionary market with product engineering in his or her unique way, employing a combination of technologies that contain roots in other systems. There isn't doubt that using successful technology and lessons learned from other printing systems makes cost and time-to-market sense. What's also interesting is the place where differently and creatively every one of them are performing that. ImagingIf we have a look at various production inkjet offerings, even as have established you can find three primary different print head technologies; thermal, piezo electric, and continuous. But essentially they each do exactly the same thing; they spray drops of ink directly around the surface from the media because it passes by them. Granted, I am turning it into sound incredibly easier pc actually is. First of most, imagine trying to acquire drops of water in an exact i'm all over this moving media. Especially when those drops are extremely light, and there is certainly an airflow created between moving media plus the printheads. And in the event you add the oxygen pushed because of the front edge with the sheet fot it mix, you can observe it really is a lot more complex than seeking to undertake it using a web of paper. The ink is frequently water based, so you need to hold up high around the paper surface, plus it has to dry quickly, whilst the media flat. That can be a significant challenge.Enter Landa Nanographics having a creative solution that borrows basic technology from offset imaging, and marries it with inkjet. Landa's unique strategy to address these issues is to utilize an altered version of offset. The Landa technology jets the lake-based ink onto a consistent warmed blanket after which uses the blanket to counterbalance the image droplets towards the paper. The benefits are multiple. First of most, it allows them to perform an extremely wider choice of papers and paper weights. Second, they use heat for the blanket to evaporate the lake, meaning that once the dots image around the paper, they sit much closer for the surface and do not wick in to the paper fibers. This produces a sharper dot with a lot more saturated color, besides other benefits. It also overcomes some on the issues regarding interrupted airflow caused through the paper transport.TransportsIn the truth of cut sheet presses, you'll think you can find really just a few reliable approaches to move media via a press and retain registration. However, despite having that, there is a wide range of creativity in equipment design. When you examine competing sheetfed offset presses, while you will find some differences of their feed and transport technology, for your most part they are extremely similar. Yet with all the new entries into cut sheet inkjet, we come across an range of distinctive systems. The same might be said for that actual imaging technologies.MGI incorporates a strong concentrate on specialty applications for commercial printing, so they really have to support a variety of types of media. The MGI production inkjet presses utilize a fairly creative and unique transport system for sheetfed presses that features both friction and vacuum feed, dependant on the press, to aid media from 135gsm to 600gsm (50 to 220lCool. All of these machines have a distinctive media registration system that automatically senses and adjusts the media feed, including skew. Screen affords the TP J SX press which runs on the feeder and delivery much the same fot it connected with an offset press. However, for this press the transport is a bit more like those used within an electrophotographic press than an offset press. Screen utilizes a linear motor drive rotary vacuum table, with head stops along with a side secrets and techniques for move the sheets with the press. This transport, based on Screen, allows support for board media approximately 20 pt. It offers duplex mode, by which it works on the paper-reversing unit consisting of your transfer drum plus a belt drive thats liable to bring the printed sheet back for the front in the machine being delivered back through again to print turned around side. And then you will discover the sorts of transports you should expect. The Komori and Konica Minolta press is created on the standard offset frame transport, albeit with inkjet imaging rather than rollers. But you'd probably expect that from Komori. Interestingly though, the Fujifilm J Press 720 boasts a feed, delivery, cylinders and grippers for transport the same as an offset press. If you recall, the J Press was shown for the 2010 Graph Expo, along its first NA unit installed at Gilson Graphics, a poster printer in Michigan. Again, that which you saw was an altered offset transport with inkjet imaging. This transport strength enabled these to introduce a different model at drupa, the Jetpress F, that was made to concentrate on the packaging market with 24 pt. board, and variable imaging capabilities.As you can view, they can be all distinctive, yet they each generally support the identical weights of paper with concerning the same throughput.With continuous feed, since were moving an internet of paper by way of a press, there are different methods to address the contests connected with inkjet, but we're going to save that discussion for one more article.Usually when there is certainly desire to switch or update an activity, the 1st reaction is usually to originate from where you stand and incrementally change the procedure. In the way it is in the sampling of inkjet developments I have identified here, you will see some very creative and different solutions to addressing this new emerging and exciting print process. Since production inkjet remains to be a relatively new field, many on the vendors are watching others and learning using their company experiences, so that it are going to be interesting to determine how all this unfolds after some time.Now the most significant piece is when you should use exactly the same type of creativity to consider advantage with the new sheetfed inkjet technologies inside your business.Don't be worried to sneak the principles, and let your creativity show&hellip; In the subsequent article, I continues this production inkjet educational series by thinking about KBA production inkjet technology and futures. In each subsequent article we are going to have a look at an alternative vendor's offerings, and exactly how they may be being utilized in production. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a>
#37 | MarvinLag في 17-10-2016
Entrepreneurs usually are not Pessimists; Reality Matters <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">cheap stickers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom packaging boxes</a> Publishers specifically have inked strikingly inventive things by stretching the definition of the items printed books and magazines may be. In these examples, printed paper continues to be the core in the product offering. But after that, the finish-buyer soars to new aesthetic and technical dimensions: ,Storefronts and Digital Magazines
Kodak showed their new Prosper 6000XL press that now operates at 1000 fpm, and announced their S30 imprinting system that operates at 3000 fpm, proving which it&rsquo;s the transport that's holding it well from increased Prosper press speeds, not their head technology or their nanotechnology ink. Timson showed their new T-Press made for grayscale textbooks, that use the Kodak heads, and Ryobi showed their 750 sheetfed press that has a Prosper S5 imprinting system integrated. HP showed three new production inkjet web presses; T230, T360, and T410, featuring new printhead technology that increase the pace in their previous models, as well as new nanotechnology pigment inks. If we add Landa for the discussion, there seems being a reoccurring theme here, speed and nanotechnology. In fact, Kyocera introduced the &lsquo;worlds fastest&rsquo; 1200 dpi printhead which can even continue the drive to increased speed. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">reliable office supplies online</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Custom Labels</a>
#38 | Peterfromb في 17-10-2016
Allowing Clients to Be Creative <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> A Strong Quarter, but Headcount Reductions Ahead: Presstek's Q1 Earnings Call ,Print Service Providers…You can Be Social (Media) Too!
So 105 is 5% more than that point in serious amounts of 95 is -5% less than that period soon enough. We have shown in the past charts that regular workers hasn't reached the original recession level, and is also just short of computer; but when adjusted for population growth it is all about 8 million workers short. This chart introduces other pursuits. Median weekly earnings (green line)did okay during and after the recession until three years ago if this fell below GDP growth and stagnated. While it's better compared to recession start, it has fallen since recovery began. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a>
#39 | MarvinLag في 18-10-2016
FREE: RIT Honors Presstek's Richard A. Williams with Prestigious Cary Award <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">custom business cards</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply companies</a> &ldquo;Hunters are able to find the long-term sales opportunities,&rdquo; said Bondy. And they&rsquo;re not likely being traditional print salespeople. &ldquo;People using a design and creative background and can sell are ideal,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;They can ideate while using client and get them thinking about the overall dish.&rdquo; ,Dear ODJ: Real Product Life Cycle and Trade Shows
&bull; Build job specs ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">label printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrapping</a>
#40 | Peterfromb في 18-10-2016
Chapter VI: Do Not Ponder <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> Our asset-based lending product is often a short-term solution. It can, as an example, offer the borrower a approach to keep existing customers from defecting on the competition in a slump. It&rsquo;s tough enough to acquire start up company. Nobody wishes to lose it on the competition concerning isn&rsquo;t a way to obtain financing. When the very best line needs to get fixed, asset-based lending can function as answer that keeps a tough job from becoming even tougher. ,Kill Your Product Before a Competitor Kills It!
By Dr. Joe Webb Published: January 18, 2010 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a>
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