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عام على رحيل القائدالمناضل عبدالله إدريس

عام على رحيل القائدالمناضل عبدالله إدريس

رحل عن دنيانا في مثل هذا اليوم من العام الماضي 2011م القائد الشهيد عبدالله إدريس محمد سليمان رئيس جبهة التحرير الارترية  ، وهو الرجل الذي أفنى عمره مناضلاً  من أجل حرية  إرتريا الأرض والانسان  وأبوإبراهيم  عن التعريف فهوالرجل الذي يعرفه الشعب الارتري من رأس قصار لرأس دميرا رجل تعرفه وديان إرتريا وسهولها وجبالها  عرفته منذ أيام نضاله الأولى المرتفعات والسهول الساحلية  وديان بركة وعنسبا حيث صال وجال وقاتل بين رفاقه  في مختلف الأصقاع الارترية لهذا كان رمزاً من رموز الكفاح من أجل الحرية والاستقلال .

كان من بين الرجال الذين لم يلينوا أو يتراجعوا رغم كل الظروف غير المواتية والعواصف العاتية التي واجهها إيام سنوات النضال وعلى رأسها أكثرمن محاولة فاشلة لتصفيته جسدياً  كان أهمها محاولة الاغتيال في الخرطوم والبلاد على أبواب لاستقلال .

ورغم كل العوائق ومحاولات التصفية الجسدية  ، ظل وفياً لجبهة التحريرمؤمناً بعدالة مطالب الشعب في الحرية والكرامة والحقوق الديمقراطية والمدنية للشعب الارتري وحتمية إستعادته لحقوقه كاملة غير منقوصة .

كان رجلاً لايعرف اليأس أو الاحباط  ، وكان عنيداً كجبال إرتريا ، كان يرددعلى الدوام بيت الشاعر عبد الله البردوني ويقول لابد من صنعاء وإن طال السفر لابد للشعب أن يستعيد حقوقه  كان يزرع الأمل والاحتما ل  والقوة وحتمية الانتصار بعون الله ، ولتقوية الأمل يحكي عن الكثير من اللحظات القاسية التي إعتقد فيها الناس أنها النهاية ولكن لطالما كانت تخرج الثورة أقوى وأكبر بصبر الرجال وثباتهم وتحديهم لكل المعيقات والظروف وتحويلها لإنتصارات وصمود وكان يؤمن على الدوام بأن شعبنا سينتصر .

كانت له شبكة علاقات إجتماعية وسياسية واسعة سخرها لخدمة القضية الوطنية العادلة وتذليل عوائق وصعوبات طريق النضال .

كان لايقبل المواقف المسبقة والأحكام النمطية حول الشخصيات  وكان يرى أن كثيرمن المواقف سببها سوء الفهم وعدم التواصل والأحكام النمطية الاسقاطية ،  ولهذا كان يرى أن التواصل بين الناس يصحح الكثيرمن الصورة النمطية .

لهذا كان فقد أبوإبراهيم  بحجم الوطن والشعب الارتري ، بحجم مناضلي جيش التجرير بحجم الجبهة  بكل عمقها وتاريخها كان حزناً واسعاً بكثافة الرجال الذين شاركهم سنوات القاتل من أجل الحرية والاستقلال  ، كان بحجم الرجال الذين خاضوامعه الملاحم في  سلع دعروا ، أغردات ، تسني ، بارنتو ، مندفرا ، في إكلي قوزاي في حماسين في بركة في الساحل في عنسبا في سيتيت ولهذا كان بحجم الفقد  الكبير النعي الواسع الذي ملئ شبكات الانترنت وكانت بحجم الارتريين سرادق العزاء في كل القارات ، أم الموكب الجنائزي فكان في مدينة كسلا مهيباً بجلل الفقد ووفاء الشعب والأشقاء والأصدقاء ، كان وفاء شعب ً لرجل لم يدخر في نضاله شيئ كان في سرادق العزاء ومقابرالحسن والحسين في كسلا كل الأجيال كل الأعماركان موكباً مهيباً تلاشت فيه كل التناقضات الثانوية وكان الجميع يعزي بعضه بعضاً .

نعم كان الشعب الارتري الوفي لهذا بقى وسيبقى أو إبراهيم رمزاً للعزة والكبرياء رمزاً لكل مقاتلي وشهداء جيش التحرير. الرحمة والمغفرة لك وأنت في عليائك وسنبقى نحن نحفظ للرجال عطائهم ودورهم وسنبقى ما حيينا  نذكر الأجيال بمناقب الرجال الذين إفترشوا الأرض وإلتحفوا السماء وتبقى يا أبوابراهيم رمزاً للتحدي والنضال العنيد .

على الدرب ثائرون وجبهةٌ حتى النصر.

أسرة تحرير أومال

#11 | MichaelVep في 07-10-2016
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Can a number of your worries be traced on the idea that your small business will not be operating at a position of accountability? I recommend these steps to building accountability: ,ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a>
#12 | TerrySar في 07-10-2016
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#13 | DonaldJew في 08-10-2016
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#14 | DonaldJew في 08-10-2016
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Yeager is but one with the founders and principals&mdash;with partner Stephen Moreno&mdash;of Los Angeles&rsquo; MY Prints, a five-person digital print shop that specializes in apparel prototyping, printed handbags and makeup bags, and&mdash;by dint for being in L.A.&mdash;garments for costume houses serving the entertainment industry. Most of MY Prints&rsquo; work is dye-sublimation-based, along with the company has arrive at depend upon its SureColor F7170. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">quality office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">large roll wrapping paper</a>
#15 | MichaelVep في 08-10-2016
Four Months to drupa: Comments on Kodak, Screen, Xerox, Ricoh <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> Feeling a lttle bit like Alice in Through the Looking Glass, I trudged from the Boston Convention Center for miles, heading from my target to be able to get on the Xplor XDU registration desk. If you&rsquo;ve ever circumnavigated the Convention Center, you really know what I mean! ,Business-to-Business Commerce aka Web-to-Print
Augmented reality applications and print ads utilizing tablet tools are gaining steam and demonstrate that print is surely an ideal pairing for smartphones along with cellular phones. Technology followed by mail becomes commonplace, as the long term of direct mail will still only benefit from your mediums and data that it's associated with. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a>
#16 | MichaelVep في 09-10-2016
Are you actually talking to me? Ya, you betcha! Mike Nelson, President, Digital Marketing <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> There are numerous variations to your structure that exists for radio. While these don&rsquo;t translate exactly on the print industry, think open-mindedly about how exactly to switch your personal business structure. ,AOL Time Warner, Virtual JC Penney, Retail Sales, Mfg Activity, Paper Consumption
FREE Special: A Fiery Celebration: EFI Sells Millionth ,ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a>
#17 | Joshuanog في 09-10-2016
Tier3 Advertising: Driving traffic for automotive dealers using digital printing and solutions <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label printer</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrap bags</a> RO: We are very fortunate to get new owners like Possehl. Their company has a entrepreneurial spirit-driven by the &ldquo;can perform&rdquo; mentality. Possehl owns about 140 companies worldwide in 10 major divisions; were one among those. They also use a division that invests in smaller companies, especially from the mid-sized companies that happen to be the backbone on the German economy. The company runs by two individuals with a roll-up-your-sleeves working ethic. The company is incredibly lean, very flat, and incredibly direct. Possehl can be a company which is relevant to today&rsquo;s method of doing work. They also trust allowing their companies to find out what they've to try and do to be in business and grow, and in addition they support them in this particular regard. They are financially very stable, with approximately 2.5 billion Euros in annual revenue&hellip;and they may be profitable. We couldn&rsquo;t have hoped for the better company to possess us. They possess a very progressive technique of thinking. We are actually given a mandate to build us and possess been because of the leeway to try this within the way we presume best.. At manroland web systems, GmbH, this represents an international organization that may be 1,500 people strong that is certainly ready to have interaction if needed. What really makes me feel better about this can be that we have been a seamless organization worldwide and now we can localize our efforts as required. As long since it is ethical, positive, and serves the needs of the customers, we are going to do what it really takes to satisfy our customers&rsquo; needs. ,Digital Selling: So What's So Different?
For drupa 2016, Xerox is introducing two new production inkjet press models. While the previously released Rialto 900 was fundamentally the Impika Genesis concept machine introduced at drupa 2012 which has a new Xerox skin, these presses are truly new collaborative designs from the newly structured company. As Xerox begins to build its &lsquo;new&rsquo; production inkjet portfolio, these first couple of new models were designed to focus on market sweet spots, address existing customer feedback and highlight strengths from each from the two companies. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">print business cards</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">business card printing</a>
#18 | MichaelVep في 09-10-2016
The Role of Print within the Media Mix and Shifting Economic Perspectives <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> &ldquo;Everyone puts together what their marketing calendar might resemble,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;Back-to-school and Christmas usually happen&mdash;I think those will be the only two predictable marketing goals!&rdquo; ,The Continuing Evolution of Digital Sales & Customer Service Reps
Pfingsten Partners, in collaboration with printing and paper industry veteran executive Brian Dunsirn, acquired Cleveland area Oliver Printing. Privately held and family-managed for four generations, Oliver Printing has successfully transitioned from your purely commercial printer to some company using a target folding cartons, including structural design, printing and finishing. As the initial institutional owner of Oliver Printing, Pfingsten is positioning Oliver since it's platform for additional investments and bolt-on acquisitions inside the packaging industry. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a>
#19 | MichaelVep في 10-10-2016
PRINT 09: What Tomorrow Brings <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> Ultimately, don&rsquo;t expect a get back to normal; there's no &ldquo;normal&rdquo; to go back to. In fact, there was not ever. ,Hire Like You Mean It: Tips for any Faster, Better, Smarter Hire
The mixture of robust software tools and affordable digital color will need individualized communications into emerging new markets and transform traditional offset printing. The photo publishing market didn&rsquo;t exist 5 in years past, but Shutterfly had total net revenues of $186 million in 2007, representing a growth of 51% over 2006. When we discuss individualization, Shutterfly&rsquo;s Personalized Products &amp; Services revenues were $105 million. This represented a 69% increase over 2006 and landed over half in the company&rsquo;s total revenues. Print revenues totaled $81 million, an expansion of 34% over 2006. That&rsquo;s affordable digital technology driving a fresh market opportunity that is certainly created to give attention to the consumer. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a>
#20 | MichaelVep في 10-10-2016
Industry Trade Associations: What Printers Think <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> By Harvey Hirsch ,A Healthy Franchise Network = Healthy Growth
Colordyne has become shipping its printers since October 2011, as well as bench-top solutions are discovering their way into product manufacturer and retailer operations which might be seeking a growing process, cheap means to fix produce full color labels, tags and envelopes at the moment, on-site. Colordyne&rsquo;s production class printer is often a inexpensive, quality printer tailored to compliment the top speed, higher volume requirements on the market. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a>
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