How the youth can save Eritrea
How the youth can save Eritrea
History has proved that rights are things that you have to fight for. Thanks for the PFDJ regime that they eventually have persuaded the majority of Eritreans that rights are not conferred but they have to struggle for. What a slap in the face! As a consequence the Eritrean youth has been subjected to misery and suffering inside and outside Eritrea just for simply demanding freedom and rights. However there are still means and avenues where the youth can overcome their experience and challenge their enemy PFDJ and subsequently save your beloved mother land, Eritrea.
Take arms (peaceful or else) against the PFDJ: The Eritrean youth have been betrayed once again by the PFDJ. It is time to turn the screw on your enemy PFDJ regime using all available means. Taking arms should not be taken out of context as I was implying there are various effective mechanisms which can make an impact on speeding up the fall of the regime. Providing there is a will and determination I recommend exploiting the situation on the ground to stage demonstrations of protest against PFDJ, promoting opposition networks and events while boycotting PFDJ’s events (cultural evening, festivals), refraining from paying 2% tax or else, getting involved in Eritrean community affairs in Diaspora so that you can prevent PFDJ’s infiltration, presence and influences spreading there. Reaffirm your determination by playing an active and influential role using all conventional means to encounter PFDJ dictatorial regime within and outside Eritrea.
Get behind any opposition gathering (Rallies, Seminars, Meetings, National Congress or Gubae, and Festivals): You need a worthy cause to put your weight behind. The convening of the National Congress is a big thing. If you participate and make your mark and push radical reforms in favour of Eritrea through, that will make a difference. Get involved in politics to make your society fairer and secure the future of the next generation. It is just practically impossible to just stand still and watch from distance at things that matter most, you have to move forward. Despite there might be differences within the forces opposition but please always show willingness to engage and get behind any event they organise. If you take avoiding action it will weaken the opposition and in contrast prolongs the suffering of our people. Please either join or take part in civic society’s activities which could enable you to have a better insight and understanding of their aims and visions for Eritrea and broaden your mind. In this respect the youth should value their relationship with the forces of opposition (both political and civic) extremely highly but with caution. So it’s wise they set boundaries about their partnership and cooperation beforehand.
Have courage in your convictions: Simply due to the approaches and strategies you follow you could be perceived as a threat among some forces of opposition and subsequently you might think you have made yourself unpopular. However I do not believe those are any reasons to back down. Your courage should be the pre-eminent quality of your historic leadership role in bringing democratic change in Eritrea. Being seen as a hate figure after all is not a reason to alter your course. The Eritrean Masses I am sure will come to understand that others disparagement of you based on your principles are unjust. For simply being youth of principle, however, you would face some consequences. Most importantly the PFDJ does not put up with such courage as you pose them a threat. Regardless what might they do is to distract you and impede your progress, usually involves campaigning relentlessly exposing you in the media and undermining your standing or position and even sometimes targeting you personally, please just defy them. After all it is highly expected of you to withstand those things.
PUT ERITREA FIRST: Even though your youth movement, party, organisation, ideology or affiliation is so important to you, but your country Eritrea should come first. The youth must do what’s right for Eritrea even if it harms the interests of your affiliations I just mentioned above. Be prepared to abandon your political or civic organisations principles and core values in pursuit of Eritrea’s long term interest. In short be loyal to Eritrea more than anything else unlike YPFDJ who sees PFDJ more important than Eritrea itself. Always hold your country close to your heart and reaffirm once again your commitment to Eritrea.
KEEP ERITREA ON THE AGENDA: Always you have to show once again your commitment to Eritrea by ensuring your members of parliament (MP), if you live in the West to remain committed to the Eritrean crisis. With your constant active and influential role they can keep the issue alive in parliament with the hope of a resolution. Just keep on doing so as the Eritrean crisis will eventually be raised and become recognised as an important issue. In the Western world where many of you live I am sure MPs spend hundreds of hours discussing the Middle East, Palestine, Libya, Darfur etc but may be 1 minute Eritrea. Please let’s do more to pressure them highlight Eritrea in the House of Parliament (Commons in UK) and continue to do so. Thus you will soon notice the difference your effort will make when sooner or later your MPs will start to table a fresh Parliamentary Questions on the issue.
HAVE A CLEAR VIEW OF THE FUTURE: I would like to remind the youth to make sure they have a clear view of the way forward. I would say the long term plan should not just be to topple the PFDJ dictatorial regime only but it should extend beyond that vision. The youth have to be involved in a political process which must address demands for reform even within the structures of the forces of opposition. The next phase that goes parallel with that would be to bring democratic change in Eritrea. Your vision should include guaranteeing the next generation a democratic Eritrea through a stable transition of power. Looking back at the previous youth generation of the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s despite their historical heroic struggle for the liberation of Eritrea to some extent they failed to look beyond that mission to guarantee themselves and us freedom and rights afterwards. A free and independent youth movement, that put the people and Eritrea at the centre, prioritise their interests and act as a defender of Freedom, Equality, Justice, Democracy and Unity should include your vision of the future.
Bereket Kahsai