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Preparation is in Full Swing to Face PFDJ -Festival in Melbourne – Australia

Preparation is in Full Swing to Face PFDJ -Festival in Melbourne – Australia

MELBROUN Jan 2011.jpg


As it is customary, the Melbourne Rally Organising Committee is once again ready to peacefully demonstrate against the annual Eritrean regime ‘so called’ cultural festival. We reassure Eritrean democrats who love to see peace and justice prevailing in Eritrea that we will do whatever we can to make our voices heard on behalf of the voiceless and oppressed people of Eritrea.

As part of our preparation, we hold a series of meetings with police to obtain permission to stage the peaceful rally. This year PFDJ through its diplomatic representative and supporters has adopted a new tactic to silence us because they failed to challenge us through all other means. They attempted to politicise an alcohol-fuelled juvenile violence that erupted inside the Festival venue last year by accusing us of having a hand on it. To make their case heard, they invited police to their meeting that was held as part of their festival preparation. However, they forgot our record with the police stands higher than their unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations.

For the last 9 years that we have been rallying peacefully, we have never breached police instructions and we have always strictly followed security arrangements given to us by police. Isn't it hypocritical PFDJ and its supporters/sympathizers reward a dictatorial regime in Eritrea, and in Australia, they seem to be law obeying citizens? They know Australia is governed by the rule of law (which is our demand) and seek the law to protect them (which is good!); and on the other hand, they support a dictator in Eritrea which is ruling the country with an iron fist. What a lack of decency and integrity?!

In line with this year’s rally theme, we remind PFDJ's supporters to stop rewarding the dictator which is oppressing the Eritrean people day in day out. We also renew our call to those who are silent to be vocal; to those who are planning to participate in the event, we urge you to think again and reverse your decision. We call upon all decent Eritreans to support our peaceful rally, demanding respect for human rights and the establishment of the rule of law in Eritrea. To those who are undecided, we encourage you to take a bold step and join our peaceful rally, because demanding justice for ALL Eritreans is quite rewarding experience.

As usual, we ask some legitimate questions that occupy the minds of caring Eritreans:

  1. Does the Eritrean regime really care about its people?

  2. Does the Eritrean regime really take concrete measures to alleviate or, at least, to reduce the suffering of its people?

  3. Does the Eritrean regime really believe in justice, which we outside the festival venue are calling for?

  4. The ruling party in Eritrea is named People’s Front for Democracy and Justice. Does this party really understand the great ideals this name holds?

  5. Is war/conflict the right approach to resolve the everlasting tension between Eritrea and some of our neighbouring countries?

  6. Does the Eritrean regime really know why the youth are escaping to neighbouring countries in droves? What actions has the Eritrean authorities taken to address the youth’s concerns?

  7. Why Eritrea has no a representative legitimate parliament elected by the people?

  8. Why the Eritrean constitution is shelved indefinitely?

We remind our Eritrean compatriots who preferred to remain silent and those who are planning to be part of the festival to contemplate about those important issues and search truth answers to those questions. We remind you the progress and development programs that you watch on ERI-TV are mere propagandas utterly in contradictions to the bitter reality and dire situation inside Eritrea. Eritrea would have been a better country had it been ruled by the rule of law.

Enough is enough, fight for the people’s rights.

Yes to democracy, No to dictatorship

Yes for the rule of law

Justice for prisoners of Conscience, Political prisoners and Journalists

No to interference in religion affairs, and justice for our religion teachers and leaders

Respect for the elderly and cultural norms

Melbourne Rally Organising Committee


4 January 2011

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