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17/07/1446 (16 يناير 2025)
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High ELF Delegation Met Reshaida ChiefsAbout Eritrean Refugees

High ELF Delegation Met Reshaida Chiefs

About Eritrean Refugees


On 5-2-2010 a high ELF Delegation, led by Hussien khalifa and Mohamed Ismail Humed, met a delegation of Reshaida Chiefs, led by Sheikh Ahmed Humeed Berki.

The ELF illustrated to the chiefs the conditions on the Eritrean Sudanese border and stated that:

- Eritreans, who escape the ruthless regime, have been harassed, abducted, intimidated, blackmailed for large sums of money, handed back to Eritrea or exchanged for some benefits and suffered some other shameful practices by Reshaida bandits who use Reshaida settlements, villages and homes along the border as center for their activities.

The ELF Delegation went on:

- The ELF and the Eritrean people at large are very angry about the Reshaida activities befallen our sons and daughters who escape the brutal Eritrean regime. The ELF was hoping for the wise among the Reshaida to put an end to such activities before it poisons the good relations between us and lead to a devastating conflict that sparkle fire that would inevitably consume the green and the dry and jeopardize peaceful coexistence between our constituents in the area. The deep historical relations between the ELF and the Reshaida oblige us to speak in transparency and clarity with the wise among you. We want to express our deep concerns about reactions from our side with unpredictable nature and consequences. Our people’s patience about such criminal activities is not limitless. We have moral and legal obligation towards our people to put an end to such criminal activities.  

As a response to what the ELF delegation put straight forward the Reshaida Chiefs stated that:

·         Those bandits and their deeds do not represent the Reshaida

·         The bandits’ criminal activities have no place in our Arab culture and benevolent Islamic faith, they are condemned.

·         Our chiefs, Nazirs and Umdas promise to use all their influence and power to put an end to the mentioned crimes against Eritreans.

·         We thank the ELF for its transparency and concerns, and for speaking to us before it indulges into reactions that would definitely destroy our peaceful coexistence in our common home.

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