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Eritrea Festival 2012 in Frankfurt to Welcome Representatives of ENDF Coordinating Committee

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Eritrea Festival 2012 in Frankfurt to Welcome

Representatives of ENDF Coordinating Committee

By CC/ENDF Information Unit

Representatives of the Coordinating Committee of the Eritrean National Democratic Forces (ENDF) are scheduled to attend and take part in various events at the Eritrea Festival in Frankfurt this year that lasts between 3 and 5 August 2012.                                

The CC/ENDF is to hold its first congress during the Festival days. It is also granted a slot on Friday, 3 August, to hold a conference for total membership. The Eritrean People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) is a co-founding member of the ENDF, and as such all its members are conference participants on Friday.

Former Eritrean diplomat and chairman of CC/ENDF, Mr. Humad Kullu, will be one of the speakers and event organizers at this year’s Eritrea Festival at Frankfurt. Other CC/ENDF presenters at the awareness seminar on Friday and the General Festival Panel on Saturday, will include Mr. Reze Habte from USA and Mr. A/Rahman Al-Sayed from UK.  Also taking part in the ENDF events will be EPDP leadership members including Mr. Woldeyesus Ammar, Mr. Assefaw Berhe and other members of the Coordinating Committee who could avail themselves at the Festival.


The CC/ENDF is expected to evaluate at its congress past performances since its founding in October 2011 and launch a new start for a more inclusive and effective work. Papers to be considered for adoption at the congress and later to be explained to total membership in a conference Friday evening will include evaluation of experience,  adopting a new Governing Document and formulating a work programme for the next 12 months.

As it has been made public through its brochure, CC/ENDF’s main principles included the non-violence means of struggle for democratic change based on the Eritrean people’s power and full ownership. The establishment of the CC/ENDF was inspired by the long history of the Eritrean people’s struggle, as well as the anti-apartheid coalition struggle of South Africa’s historic UDF (United Democratic Front) and by political blocs elsewhere based on common principles. It also drew lessons from the less successful experiences of the last Eritrean opposition alliances and coalitions.

The Coordinating Committee members believe that ENDF in the future will do all what it can to create a viable stage for the common struggle of individuals, civil society and political organizations that believe in common principles and strategies and avoid the paralyzing experiences of the past in the Eritrean political opposition.

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