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21/07/1446 (20 يناير 2025)
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ENDF’s Kullu Pays Gratitude to Commissioner Pillay and

ENDF’s Kullu Pays Gratitude to Commissioner Pillay and

The UN Human Rights Council for Resolution on Eritrea

By CC/ENDF Information Unit


The UN Human Rights.jpg

In a message addressed on 12 July 2012 to the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Ms Navi Pillay, the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Eritrean National Democratic Forces (CC/ENDF), Mr. Humad Kullu, expressed delight at “historic step” taken at the 20th Session of the UN Human Rights Council” early this month in Geneva.


Mr. Humad Kullu, a former Eritrean diplomat, told Ms Pillay his belief that this giant step so far taken by the Council “will contribute a great deal towards alleviating some, if not all, of the human rights abuses that the Eritrean people have been subjected to in the hands of the ruling regime” in Asmara.


The message also expressed the CC/ENDF’s willingness to cooperate with the Commission and the future Special Rapporteur for Eritrea “to see the full and effective implementation of the Human Rights Council's resolution”.


Mr. Humad Kullu introduced to Ms Pillay that his CC/ENDF is “a network of pro-Democracy political parties, individual activists and civil society groups that work in unison guided by the principles of non-violence and inclusive democratic values”,  and required her kind availability at her convenience for a meeting in Geneva  to discuss issues of common concern towards speedy implementation of the significant measures stipulated in the resolution.


It is to be recalled that the resolution of the UN Human Rights Council strongly condemned the regime in Asmara for, inter alia, its:

·         Grave violations of human rights;

·         Severe restriction of all liberties and freedoms;

·         Forced conscription of citizens;

·         Shoot-to-kill policy and

·         Lack of cooperation with international and regional human rights mechanisms.


 The Resolution then called upon the regime to implement the following without delay:

·         To end its use of arbitrary detention of its citizens, and to end the use of torture, including the use of inhumane and degrading treatment and punishment;

·         To release all political prisoners, including the “G-11”;

·         To ensure free and fair access to an independent judicial system for all people who are detained in Eritrea, and to allow regular access to prisoners for relatives, legal advocates, medical care, representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and other appropriate parties;

·         To put an end to the policy of indefinite military service;

·         To allow human rights and humanitarian organizations to operate in Eritrea without fear of intimidation;

·         To respect everyone’s right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief;

·         To implement the recommendations accepted during its universal periodic review and to report on progress made;

·         To end “guilt-by-association” policies that target family members of those who evade national service or seek to flee Eritrea;

·         To cooperate fully with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights by, inter alia, allowing access to a mission by the Office as requested by the High Commissioner, the human rights treaty bodies, all mechanisms of the Human Rights Council and with all international and regional human rights mechanisms;

·         To fulfill its international obligations, honour its commitments and abide by the terms of all relevant resolutions of the Security Council, including resolutions 1907 (2009) of 23 December 2009 and 2023 (2011) of 5 December 2011;

·         To provide the Office of the High Commissioner with all relevant information on the identity, safety, well-being and whereabouts of all detained persons and persons missing in action, including Djiboutian combatants and journalists; and

·         To implement the Constitution of Eritrea adopted in 1997.


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