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17/07/1446 (16 يناير 2025)
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Awate By: A Azeez m


By: A Azeez m

Glory, Glory

For he who kindled a torch of the long sought liberty

Fuelled with purest blood and calibrated to sky of his dignity

That illuminated the darkest nights of the Eritrean milky entity

And that shall forever guide the nation in ease and in adversity

 Glory, glory Awate

 I hail the father of Eritrean struggle, Awate

The nation embryo-ed in his vision and comrades, sole

To weave other vision, darkness on sunray to install

 To usurp a dream, to hijack visions before the world, whole

Verily that shall dusk into the most doomed goal

In vain is your phantom invention raging as blind squall?

I recall yester crime deeded by the miscreant’s own hand

I recall wounds, and warm bloodshed on pearly sand 

For in yester years those who bowed to emperor and his errand

For they deemed him perpetual and grand 

When they battled against the vision for the sake of coins and rank

And ruined cities and villages with bullets and tank

Yesterday and today they have not only plundered the dream

They slain myriad souls and usurped their scream

Robbed their tragedy and chanted it in their hymn

Wrested their pain and glued it in their skin       

I write verses with an upright luminous nib

Deepened in a gash secreted inside me rib

 Never coat me pen with honey to make it glib

To embrace a belief, for merely coming from me sib

For that is one ingredient that made a deaden squib

 To shine the sun to attempt to dust

To dress the truth to break the mast 

To weave ploys, the red sea pearl to cast

To shepherd humanity stray, to abuse trust

This nib runs along the depressed plains of paper

This nib deepened in tears of the bereaved mother

For there is no darker ink in the universe for an author

This nib is thunderous echo of obliterated culture

The shimmering vision blinded the morbid hero

Writing the annals of a nation with crooked biro

Ruling upon the wounded and abused with tonal ferro

Until the truth is liberated, liberty shall mean zero

What is the matter?

Arise wise ray!

Arise wise ray!

Arise wise ray and recall your head from the hollow skies

Denied your dream on the day of manifestation, denied eyes

Spectre of sunken days re-emerged in blues and greys

The creeping vulture entombed it all thus, destiny tossed in blank dice

The world narrowed in a mind, nothing sated even rocks and soil

Soil eating soil; drink eye-waters to quench unquenchable boil

Grind encompassing concord and thrive in ceaseless turmoil 

Heads of doomed and damned tangles; exist adding fire to oil

Calculated their deeds in ease and in blitz, their blood ice

Evangelised plains and seized dust and even the mice

Arise wise ray, for the avalanching blank dices

Swording your elevated Mores slice by slice

There, age long dream pulverised by fierce vice  

Masoned dust that will corrode fabrics of eyes

Anchored and settled the night to conceal lies

Brother contra brother turned into backbiters and spies    

Intrinsic darkness that never knots with rays

Triumphed in extorting supreme joys

 And darkly reincarnated primordial ploys

Overturned smiles of multitude and expended in vain plenty girls and boys 

Always patronised the sun that sets to rise

Domains of perfidy, masters of stings and rings 

Modelled into human enemy of the brutish archive

They bore essences that excelled only in mars and deprive

Generational fruit crushed, hope dashed, cheeks still wet

Infuriated by purity of rose, did mass of deprived and emaciate

Quarantined immaculate dreams yet, have corrosives tongue to narrate

Absented innocent populace and the narratives of the brows mutate   

Patriotism fermented into the boundless pot of sham

Dream, like expired fetal, frustrated the mother behind vacant pram  

Deprived hearts cruelly bashed without making a wham 

Blind vision slavishly heeded; sun and stars not worth a gram 

Cruel that you thwarted sorrowful populace to celebrate

Countless thorny miles in hungry nights, did they not negotiate?    

Burden became all that carried blistering and sodden climate

Burden became all valour and where the camaraderie evaporate

In a dark day, in all the chronicled date   

Across plains and valleys; across expanse of the state

Season of harvest but dedicated strugglers barred to celebrate

Harms are these arms and minds; harms could not help abate   

They broke the virtuous that dusked irremediable loss

An abode of sin is the shrine; dereliction clad in moss

Alas, the devout embittered renegade; the refined fallen gross

Martyred in his tomb twisted of the monumental double-cross 

Settled in distorted essence of longed freedom

In free-doom, be deprived of mother’s home

Hail free-doom the relegated children in refugee camps hopelessly roam 

Hail that you become the spectre you defeated,

Now keep wheeling your erratic tantrum  

Where are the extorted souls in bosom of bleeding twilight? 

Thine cruelty swallowed plenty children to elevate human plight

Thine gut gulped much blood but insatiate remained your fright 

Yours insatiable soul usurped sorrows of your victims that too we cite

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