An open letter to Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso
the October 9 Conference on Eritrea,
Organized by EEPA in Brussels
H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel
President of the European
Dear Mr.
Let me
have the opportunity to extend my best wishes for the second term of your
presidency and I also wish you more success to attain the goals of the European
We in the EDA (Eritrean
Democratic Alliance) would like, in this letter, to express our reservations and
anxiety on the forthcoming conference organized by the Foreign Policy Advisor (EEPA)
of the EU, on November 9, alleged "to align the stands of USA and EU regarding
violation of human and democratic rights in Eritrean".
apprehension is about how this conference was organized and how its participants
were selected. While the most concerned Eritreans, the whole opposition forces,
especially the EDA – the wide National Front and umbrella of 13 political
parties and organizations working in unison – were excluded. The EDA that was
formed as a result of the strong and prolonged great efforts of our people, its
struggling organizations, and genuine civil societies, was excluded from the
organizing and participation processes of this conference. Our apprehension is
also based on the possible disparaging impacts of this conference on the ongoing
struggle and unity of the Eritrean opposition forces.
Our moral obligations
and our political convections can not allow us to stand indifferently towards
any forum raising crucial issues concerning the fate of our people and country,
be it zonal, regional, or international conference, held without the
participation of the viable opposition organizations represented by the EDA
Umbrella, and organizations, movements, civil societies, intellectuals,
veterans, nationalist religious leaders etc. struggling for change. We in the
EDA, at the same time as we appreciate and welcome all initiatives taken by any
peace loving peoples, governments, humanitarian organizations and international
communities, for backing our ongoing justified and legitimate democratic
struggle, we reject and deem unacceptable all maneuvers to design groundless
substitutes for the united opposition. In this conference, you could have
assured participation of all concerned struggling Eritreans and their
contribution on the debate of their common cause and concern, instead of
organizing it in an unjust way of marginalizing approach. Still, we reiterate
our appreciation of the EU novel strive and initiative to tackle our Eritrean
concern at this level and its attempts to help our people, however, we think
this particular conference won’t bear any fruit, for it’s not sowed on the
ground conducive to that reality.
As we
know it all, the relation between The Eritrean Democratic Alliance (EDA) and the
European Union has been fostered by the External Relation Department of the EDA,
our permanent representative and contact person in the EU, and the initiative of
the resolute nationalist volunteers from Eritrean civic societies. Ironically
enough it’s under such relation, the ongoing exclusive and divisive conference
is expected to take place. Unfortunately we shall all see what goals and outcome
it is designed for, and as to how it shines on the current Eritrean political
scene. Sidelining the wide main stream opposition and embracing divisive and
destructive isolated approaches is a sad episode that will yield disruption.
Eritrean Democratic Alliance-EDA is the sole giant and vibrant umbrella and a
wider united front that reflects the form and substance of the entire mosaic of
the Eritrean polity. It represents the Eritrean social and political reality. It
includes political organizations of multinational, national and religious
backgrounds that struggle for peace, justice and democracy. In this critical
situation our country and the struggle of the opposition is going through, we
are highly astonished by the step that excludes the broad national front-EDA but
embraces some limited parties in a divisive and exclusionist conference. As such
we are obliged to raise the following points to your attention.
said divisive conference is taking place while the Eritrean dictatorial
regime, due to its repressive internal and arrogant foreign policy, is
totally isolated, and while proved as a regional spoiler and almost on the
verge to be sanctioned by the UN, AU, and IGAAD. To this effect, we are
totally dumfounded as to why such divisive way is chosen instead of
consolidating and encouraging sanctions against the regime?
to the conference, we regard it as an attempt to create impediments against
the widely expected "broad national conference for democratic change" for
which the entire members of the Eritrean Democratic Alliance, organizations,
movements, civic societies, intellectuals, religious celebrities and
veterans are working for, and looking forward for its realization soon, in
an all embracing way, to unite all the efforts and capabilities of our
people for democratic change.
are here to remind that this exclusive conference with all its form and
content is disruptive, creating mistrust and exclusionist divisive mentality
and behavior. It disarrays the overall capacities of the member
organizations in particular and the opposition camp in general. In fact it’s
a step to intervene in our internal affairs.
It is
with this reality we arrived at the obvious conclusion that the two-day Belgium
conference that disregards the main opposition body and with those mentioned
ultimate dangers posed ahead won't be an effective alternative either for the
realization of peace, justice and democracy for our people or for peace and
stability for our region. Therefore and as a conclusion, we put the following
points to be underlined by your office.
We assure that no one is delegated, to attend or speak on behalf of the Eritrean
Democratic Alliance-EDA in the said conference.
We utterly reject and disregard the ongoing conference, be it knowingly or
unknowingly done, its outcome is not for the benefit of our people or our unity
and organized common action. In this regard we humbly remind the European Union
to clarify its stand about organizing such a conference and how its
participation in it would be.
We eagerly desire and humbly ask The EU to uphold and galvanize the already
fostered relation with the Eritrean Democratic Alliance. Such communication and
relations would certainly facilitate for the EU to follow up developments in
Eritrea, and correctly assess the genuine actors for democratic change in the
opposition camp, so as to play constructive role in the democratization process
and avoid such dubious conferences held under its auspices. Hereafter, the EDA
keenly reminds the EU that such conferences should be held in manners that serve
the legitimate interests of our people, our region and the international
community. It should also be made open in a fair way where the main stream
concerned bodies can take part. We are of the opinion that all conference
organizing parties should refrain from attaining narrow short term gains and
concentrate on strategic thinking and in a responsible approach.
Therefore, the organizer body of this conference, under the leadership of the
head of the EEPA and representative of one of Belgian NGO - Dr Merijam Van
Raysen - and her lobbyist advisors shall bear the responsibilities and
consequences of the said conference and its outcomes.
Democratic Alliance
Executive Committee
Mr.Karel De GUCHT
Commissioner Development
Humanitarian Aid