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ارحمونا يرحمكم الله بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد

ارحمونا يرحمكم الله

بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد                                                

منذ تأسيس  رابطة ابناء المنخفضات  من شهر مارس الماضي، لا يمر يوم علينا من غير ان تحمل لنا الشبكات العنكبوتية مقالات تتناول موضوع الرابطة  من قبل فريقين  متحاورين  من الكتاب.

يوضح فيها اصحاب احد الفريقين ،مساوئ  فكرة تأسيس الرابطة ، بينما  الفريق الآخر يوضح ايجابيات الفكرة .

ولان توضيح الواضح من المشكلات  كما يقال ، يلجأ كل الطرفين الى كتابة مقالات مطولة يشرحان فيها وجهة نظريهما ، بقصد اقناع كل طرف ، الطرف الآخر.

والملفت للنظر في الامر هو،  كلما قام احد الكتاب بكتابة مقال حول الرابطة  من هذا الفريق او ذاك ، نفاجأ في اليوم التالي برد الساع  ساعين من الفريق الآخر .

وبين الرد من هذا ، ورد الفعل من ذاك ، يلتزم بعض الكتاب بادب الحوار في كتاباتهم وردودهم، سواء كان من هذا الفريق اوذاك .

ويخرج  البعض  الآخر من  الكتاب  في ذروة الانفعال من طورهم ، ويخونهم التعبير ، فيختارون لعناوين  مقالاتهم ، عناوين تسيئ لمضامين مقالاتهم وبالتالي تفسد مقاصد رسالتهم. ليستغلها اصحاب الغرض  من الطرف الاخر ليصَبّ الماء البارد على الزيت الثائر، وإيغار الصدور، ويتسبب بالمزيد من المزايدات والتنافر لتتتحول القضية من تقريب وجهات النظر  وتبادل الرأي والراي الآخر الى مواجهة شخصية .   

وهكذا يتحول الحوار، الى حوار عقيم ، مضيعة للوقت، خارج الوقت، فلا هو يضيف جديدًا، ولا هو يوصل الى نقاشات موضوعية توصل الى مساومة تاريخية لحشد كافة الطاقات وتكريسها للهدف الاساس ، الا وهو اسقاط الدكتاتورية واقامة البديل الديمقراطي من اجل استرجاع الحقوق المغتصبة للجميع ، بل يمنح المغتصب فرصة ذهبية ليطلق العنان  ويتمادى في تكريس سياساته الدكتاتورية واغتصاب المزيد من حقوقنا المغتصبة  اصلا.

 اذن علينا ان نعترف  باننا نخوض  معركة  وهمية ، حامية  الوطيس ،لا نرى لها نهاية ، معركة لن يكون فيها منتصر ومهزوم، بل الكل سيهزم فيها في نهاية المطاف ، اذا استمرينا  على هذا المنوال من العناد لبعضنا البعض .

ولنتذكر ما قيل في هذا الصدد :( اذا التقت السياسة بالعناد ، فاقرأ على البلد السلام .)

وعليه ارى ان يتوقف الجميع عن هذه المعركة  الوهمية التي لا طائل من ورائها فورا ولنترك الكل ينضال على حسب الطريقة التي يؤمن بها دون تشهير او تجريح  او تشكيك.

واذا  كان اراء البعض منطلقا من ايمانه ، من مقولة :  " تأبى الرماح إذا أجتمعن تكسرا ..وإذا أفترقن تكسرت آحادا " او تجارب اخرى، فلا حرج اذا كان  البعض الآخر لا يؤمن بها ، كما ليس من حق احد، في كلّ حال، أن يجبر الناس على أن يكونوا مؤمنين بما يؤمن به ، فمن شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فليكفر.

،  وقبل هذا وذاك ،  فلنتذكر حديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي قال فيه (مَثَلُ المؤمنين في تَوَادِّهم وتراحُمهم وتعاطُفهم مثلُ الجسد، إِذا اشتكى منه عضو: تَدَاعَى له سائرُ الجسد بالسَّهَرِ والحُمِّى) .

فارحمونا  وتوقفوا عن المعركة  الوهمية  التي لا طائل منها ، يرحمكم الله .

#81 | MichaelVep في 14-10-2016
Sales Prospecting? Find the Company's E.F. Hutton ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> Wasted period of other salespeople that are distracted from the bad hire. ,Landa Does EFI Connect
The trade&rsquo;s vocabulary can change as improvements in press design shovel words like &ldquo;hickeys,&rdquo; &ldquo;marking,&rdquo; and &ldquo;scuffing&rdquo; into your dustbin of quaint catchphrases with the forms of points that lithographers utilized to have. Crowding out these fast-obsolescing relation to art could be the more scientific-sounding jargon of &ldquo;workflow,&rdquo; &ldquo;hybrid printing&rdquo; and &ldquo;computer integrated manufacturing.&rdquo; ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a>
#82 | MichaelVep في 14-10-2016
The Critical Role of Local Support ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> By Chuck Gehman Isn't it time for your other 50 % of printers for taking the plunge but got wired for business? May 3, 2004 -- People are applying the Internet to generate routes and buying tickets. Amazon.com is profitable, and consumers buy goods in the Internet daily. Consumers are actually looking for cars in the web (a few years ago, this seemed ridiculous, didn't it?) We utilize the Internet for banking, too&hellip; currently, I am almost upset when I go surfing with my bank and recognize that someone hasn't cashed an inspection I wrote them fourteen days ago (within the few cases when I actually write the check manually ,). Access to up-to-the-minute info is key: we utilize the Internet to take a look up the next wind storm forecast before traveling, for both home and destination cities. Google and also other Internet search engines are becoming the 1st option for high school graduation and scholar research if they write papers. Ubiquitous Internet access is here. According to your recent Nielsen NetRatings report, about eighty percent of Americans ages 35-54 have Internet access similar to 77 percent of youngsters and 63 percent of seniors. An estimated 204 million people now take over Internet access from the US--quite an amazing number. What's much more astonishing, is just how quickly the Internet happens to be a vital work tool. From online research to online marketing and web collaboration, wired employees and employers are internet and expect the lenders they manage to get online too. Both printers and customers have begun to appreciate the best way powerful the Internet may be being a customer acquisition and retention tool. The printing industry is just not exempt out of this trend. What we're seeing inside printing industry today is strong demand from customers for Internet applications, from job submission to fulfillment applications. Printing firms that wouldn't consider implementing Internet applications 2-3 in the past are finally willing to make plunge. And this is usually a major change: as recently as four a long time ago, many commercial printers considered the fax machine to get the embodiment of modern day communications. According to CAPV's March 2003 study, The U.S. e-Print Infrastructure Market, over half paper providers surveyed said they offered Web-enabled services to their clientele. Isn't it time for that other 50 % of printers to adopt the plunge and also got wired for business? As we rapidly approach the JDF Drupa, were beginning to view systems that link customers around the Internet to production and business systems on the printer. Both printers and customers have begun to achieve exactly how powerful the Internet could be to be a customer acquisition and retention tool. Most on the discussions of JDF have already been about programming presses (a la CIP3 PPF and ink key presets), but we're entering a different era of JDF the spot that the customer's intent will likely be brought in the equation. We are beginning to see businesses that were early adopters of Internet technologies now providing real functionality to their potential customers (not only brochure-ware), for instance job submission, simple specifications, online catalogs, and job status information, plus they need ways to raise their traction and business with customers using the web. These companies are prepared to consider it on the next stage by having all the more functionality thus to their web property. In the last, printers couldn't compare one web-enabled system completely to another. This is beginning to change quickly, possibly at Drupa, you can see many degrees of functional Internet-based products from many organisations. Web applications for print have right now matured enough to get something category. It's will no longer about e-commerce, it's finally about exactly what should have already been all along: employing customers from the best possible way. ,Integrated: Interview with Alan Schultz, Chairman, President and CEO of Valassis
The effect can be evident today -- coming from all US Federal information printed in 1995, only 11 percent remains in writing. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a>
#83 | MichaelVep في 14-10-2016
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Some valuation models measure as much as eight categories, and 6-8 subcategories for every as part in the risk assessment for the business investment. Financial models account just for this risk through the cost of capital needed that generates future cash flows and the needed returns around the investment to create it attractive. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a>
#84 | AlbertStors في 15-10-2016
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#85 | MichaelVep في 15-10-2016
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#86 | AlbertStors في 15-10-2016
Better Together: VDP and CRM Part 3 <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish a book</a> &ldquo;Being true for a core values as being a company&mdash;that&rsquo;s what Stephen and I really try to maintain as being a focus inside our minds even as we grow our business.&rdquo; ,Digital Package Printing – The Value Proposition for your Brand Owner
Leading with UV-Curable Printers&mdash;FB10000 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">wholesale office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label printer</a>
#87 | AlbertStors في 15-10-2016
"Part Four: Avoiding What One Executive Called, ""The Longest Year of My Life""" <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">colored labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish your own book</a> Print company is often blinded by low cost. Like everything within this world, you obtain that which you purchase. ,Dscoop Collaboration Station – The Tech Talks
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#88 | Peterfromb في 16-10-2016
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#89 | Peterfromb في 16-10-2016
We've Made the Turn: Not Recession, It's Worse <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> We are a part of a niche that delivers products and services just as one integral segment of America&rsquo;s communication network. Printers manufacture products but provide vital communication services, and this also dichotomy &ndash; manufacturing or service &ndash; has resulted within a mini-identity crisis for quite some time. America&rsquo;s 35,000 roughly printing companies are largely small, entrepreneurially-driven companies that tackle each other head-to-head. It is undoubtedly an industry that's survived and matured as a result of the inherent flexibility of process and product supported with the ingenuity of company leaders and employees to function together with the common good. We have had our share of great moments and celebrated accordingly, and in addition our share of challenges which we've met head-on. America and print have matured together, through thick and thin. ,Holiday Season Marketing and Packaging Trends
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#90 | MarvinLag في 17-10-2016
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