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ارحمونا يرحمكم الله بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد

ارحمونا يرحمكم الله

بقلم/ احمدعلي احمد                                                

منذ تأسيس  رابطة ابناء المنخفضات  من شهر مارس الماضي، لا يمر يوم علينا من غير ان تحمل لنا الشبكات العنكبوتية مقالات تتناول موضوع الرابطة  من قبل فريقين  متحاورين  من الكتاب.

يوضح فيها اصحاب احد الفريقين ،مساوئ  فكرة تأسيس الرابطة ، بينما  الفريق الآخر يوضح ايجابيات الفكرة .

ولان توضيح الواضح من المشكلات  كما يقال ، يلجأ كل الطرفين الى كتابة مقالات مطولة يشرحان فيها وجهة نظريهما ، بقصد اقناع كل طرف ، الطرف الآخر.

والملفت للنظر في الامر هو،  كلما قام احد الكتاب بكتابة مقال حول الرابطة  من هذا الفريق او ذاك ، نفاجأ في اليوم التالي برد الساع  ساعين من الفريق الآخر .

وبين الرد من هذا ، ورد الفعل من ذاك ، يلتزم بعض الكتاب بادب الحوار في كتاباتهم وردودهم، سواء كان من هذا الفريق اوذاك .

ويخرج  البعض  الآخر من  الكتاب  في ذروة الانفعال من طورهم ، ويخونهم التعبير ، فيختارون لعناوين  مقالاتهم ، عناوين تسيئ لمضامين مقالاتهم وبالتالي تفسد مقاصد رسالتهم. ليستغلها اصحاب الغرض  من الطرف الاخر ليصَبّ الماء البارد على الزيت الثائر، وإيغار الصدور، ويتسبب بالمزيد من المزايدات والتنافر لتتتحول القضية من تقريب وجهات النظر  وتبادل الرأي والراي الآخر الى مواجهة شخصية .   

وهكذا يتحول الحوار، الى حوار عقيم ، مضيعة للوقت، خارج الوقت، فلا هو يضيف جديدًا، ولا هو يوصل الى نقاشات موضوعية توصل الى مساومة تاريخية لحشد كافة الطاقات وتكريسها للهدف الاساس ، الا وهو اسقاط الدكتاتورية واقامة البديل الديمقراطي من اجل استرجاع الحقوق المغتصبة للجميع ، بل يمنح المغتصب فرصة ذهبية ليطلق العنان  ويتمادى في تكريس سياساته الدكتاتورية واغتصاب المزيد من حقوقنا المغتصبة  اصلا.

 اذن علينا ان نعترف  باننا نخوض  معركة  وهمية ، حامية  الوطيس ،لا نرى لها نهاية ، معركة لن يكون فيها منتصر ومهزوم، بل الكل سيهزم فيها في نهاية المطاف ، اذا استمرينا  على هذا المنوال من العناد لبعضنا البعض .

ولنتذكر ما قيل في هذا الصدد :( اذا التقت السياسة بالعناد ، فاقرأ على البلد السلام .)

وعليه ارى ان يتوقف الجميع عن هذه المعركة  الوهمية التي لا طائل من ورائها فورا ولنترك الكل ينضال على حسب الطريقة التي يؤمن بها دون تشهير او تجريح  او تشكيك.

واذا  كان اراء البعض منطلقا من ايمانه ، من مقولة :  " تأبى الرماح إذا أجتمعن تكسرا ..وإذا أفترقن تكسرت آحادا " او تجارب اخرى، فلا حرج اذا كان  البعض الآخر لا يؤمن بها ، كما ليس من حق احد، في كلّ حال، أن يجبر الناس على أن يكونوا مؤمنين بما يؤمن به ، فمن شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فليكفر.

،  وقبل هذا وذاك ،  فلنتذكر حديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي قال فيه (مَثَلُ المؤمنين في تَوَادِّهم وتراحُمهم وتعاطُفهم مثلُ الجسد، إِذا اشتكى منه عضو: تَدَاعَى له سائرُ الجسد بالسَّهَرِ والحُمِّى) .

فارحمونا  وتوقفوا عن المعركة  الوهمية  التي لا طائل منها ، يرحمكم الله .

#141 | MarvinBix في 17-11-2016
Britain's wild weather: the silver linings in dark clouds <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">home water filtration</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">best water softner manufacturers</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a> Patrick Thomson ,Environmental workers spill a million gallons of waste into Colorado river
The water company, which is owned by area farmers, had recently rebuilt the levee, he explained. But because water is striking the bridge, they are planning to have to reconstruct the bridge. Wellheads were being destroyed, simply because they could not maintain pressure. Dams were sinking. I am using a hard time pushing water through my canal, Hurley said. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water treatment?</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water softener</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> ,But while close to $12bn went into just internet startups a year ago �whilst analysts speak about another emerging internet bubble �only few hundred million dollars are traditionally committed to water startups each year.
watersinfo.org Maretta: &ldquo;Wonderful news - I am glad I was capable to be a little part of the.We must keep our eyes on things and come up with a noise if unfortunately we cannot see an alteration.&rdquo; ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">reverse osmosis water filter system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">whole house water treatment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">water purification</a> ,David Cameron has stated fracking in Britain will be safe because of our own superior regulation. Really? The Environment Agency, Natural England and the Health and Safety Executive are actually cut to the bone. The EA won't yet have guidance available for commercial hydraulic fracturing. Regulation cannot guarantee safety, only minimise risk. With no less than 1,000 wellheads, there will be accidents.
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#142 | ThomasGazy في 17-11-2016
Millions of books, one at the time <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">wrapping paper</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">custom office supplies</a> By Dr. Joe Webb Published: February 16, 2009 ,InfoTrends/CAP Ventures & WhatTheyThink.com Tracking Results: First Quarter 2005
By WhatTheyThink Staff Published: November 7, 2006 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticker printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">booklet printing</a> By Ed Crowley October 13, 2003 -- No, we're not dealing with a hot roll like those great hot yeast rolls accessible in Lambert's caf&eacute; in Southeast Missouri! No, the title with this column refers towards the &ldquo;hot roller&rdquo; that is part on the fusing / imaging system on many workgroup laser printers. So precisely what is this column about? My goal every month should be to highlight some with the major events happening from the printer market. Not the Printing market (you recognize, this market for Indigo, NexPress and iGen presses&ndash;those digital presses that cost over the majority of people's houses) but instead the printer market (where products cost about exactly the same as that deluxe family tent you tackle your camping trip). So why would a website focusing within the &ldquo;digital printing&rdquo; industry (i.e. houses) care in regards to the printer market (i.e. tents)? In a word, convergence! What will be the greatest threat towards the printing industry? Consolidation, the tariff of paper, in-house printing plants in corporate accounts? None these! The greatest threat on the printing industry would be the convergence of three key technologies to produce a whole distribute then print environment that may replace the standard print then distribute environment. The first technology may be the universal accessibility of inexpensive excellent printers. There are 50 plus million laser printers placed in homes and offices worldwide. There are another 300+ million inkjets in homes and business worldwide. So, users use a pretty cheap method to print a premium quality document . The second technology will be the adoption of universal file sharing formats which allow a document to retain its original look without requiring the recipient hold the original software producing the document. The Web Browser is often one &lsquo;standard' as well as Adobe PDF files. This gives users a universal (and basically free) strategy to share excellent documents without loosing the documents format. The third technology is email and also the Internet. Email and Internet usage is pervasive today in all of the civilized world, plus in most developing countries at the same time. Anyone who is often a likely target for any document printed while on an offset or digital press probably has a communication account and access for the Internet. So companies possess a technique of distributing excellent documents to nearly every location from the world totally free (or a minimum of without having postage!) The new paradigm should be to distribute and print, not print and distribute. This trend is impacting many methods from newspapers to collateral materials to coupons. Look when it reaches this publication with an example that is certainly in close proximity to home. Think about how precisely OnDemandJournal.com and Whattheythink.com are distributed and used. Twenty years back this top rated publication can have been printed while on an offset press and mailed (print and distribute). Today, it's published electronically, and then any &lsquo;hardcopy' associated together with the publication comes from you, people, printing off articles on your own desktop or workgroup printer to study later as well as to introduce to a associate (distribute and print). Does this imply that nothing are going to be printed on offset presses? Will everyone move from houses to tents? Absolutely not, but, it certainly means it will have a good deal few houses built! ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish a book</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom packaging boxes</a>
printing-in-china.com The Las Vegas Strip is home to several things which you’d be hard-pressed find anywhere else—and, generally, that’s an excellent thing. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">quality office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">postcard printing</a> Yet the consumer experience (UX) IS THE PRODUCT to the target audience, time and again, print software vendors are not able to prioritize an individual interface. Most software priorities are stuck as to what an individual of mine calls &ldquo;selling software through the pound.&rdquo; During the sales process, buyers typically create some kind of listing of desired features then think that picking the seller with the &ldquo;most&rdquo; features is the best decision. This strategy couldn&rsquo;t be further through the truth. More features are not necessarily better; in the event the features are implemented in the way that produces a complex, frustrating, and burdensome learning curve on your audience they won&rsquo;t get used anyway. .
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#143 | JosephHup في 18-11-2016
Refurbished rivers bring salmon and trout flooding back <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">commercial water Purifiers</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">pure water</a> The biggest intervention people could make towards reducing their carbon footprints would 't be to abandon cars, but to consume significantly less beef, Benton said. Another recent study implies the only biggest intervention to free up calories that may be used to feed people could be not to work with grains for beef production within the US. However, he explained the subject was always controversial: This opens a real can of worms. ,HSBC staff from around the globe visit Ghana
Water poverty is expected to become acute in urban heat islands �built-up environments that retain heat over surrounding areas. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">drinking water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water filter system</a> ,Chief executive of WaterAid Barbara Frost said: Warm words in the World Water Forum declaration won't solve the crisis of unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation that will be the biggest killer of youngsters in sub-Saharan Africa. What is required is urgent investment in these essential services combined with political leadership that gives improved usage of the world's poorest people.
watersinfo.org In fact, were drier than Saudi Arabia in terms of what water we've available per person. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water softner</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">house water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">best water purifier</a> ,That's what we like to listen to, said David Simister of Yorkshire Water, which yesterday became the very first British water company to trademark its tapwater, being an upfront declaration of faith in the mains. We know we have got a really good product, and also, since it's which is available from every cold tap in the Yorkshire region, we'd be mad not to protect its name.
http://forum.expertexpert.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=283279&p=645313#p645313 http://rajagames.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=528326&p=775182#p775182 http://snr.freehostia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=709938#709938 http://sportbrief.co.zw/2016/05/05/new-zimbabwe-rugby-union-elected/#comment-101096 http://www.tomsteer.net/support/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4403 http://ma.tetchy.tv/index.php?topic=157878.new#new http://www.carettedonny.be/nieuwe-drupal-theme-kanji?page=11#comment-263387 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http://mitarbejdsmiljo.dk/dilemmaer/haardt-fysisk-arbejde?page=188#comment-203535 http://www.carettedonny.be/drupal/ab-testen-op-je-website-om-een-lagere-bouncerate-te-verkrijgen?page=857#comment-267439
#144 | ThomasGazy في 18-11-2016
What Printers Think: Part Three, EFI-Printcafe-Creo <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrap bags</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">color print</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">printed boxes</a> Following the Prinergy Saga ,WAVE Action—The Banta Acquisition One Year Later
Your Print MIS strategy is abundant with opportunities for your company. Focusing on the metrics it may provide can transition you towards a far more strategic and innovative company. Data, when used in a meaningful way, can become your biggest tool inside your proverbial toolkit. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticky labels</a> Unless you are actually lost, you might be much too aware which the industry for print is changing, changing dramatically, but not changing for that best. We’ve had this discussion for any period of time, therefore we do not need to dwell into it here. As a result, some companies have looked to wide-format along with other varieties of specialty printing to be a compelling replacement. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom packaging</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">color printing service</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed boxes</a>
printing-in-china.com The prior report also had 4Q-2015 personal consumption expenditures at +2.2%, but which was revised as a result of +2.0%. There is concern that consumers aren't reacting to the savings from lower energy prices, which has caused some analysts concern about core economic growth in 2016. Worldwide finance industry is calmer than these were just a few weeks ago, and we have noticed fewer &ldquo;disaster scenario&rdquo; headlines and discussions within the business press. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift bags</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">cheap business cards</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">children's book publishers</a> I also had the means to visit the InfoTrends InfoBriefing. This year, there was two sessions, one targeted in the AIIM audience as well as the other at On Demand, both playing to packed houses. During the On Demand session, Group Director Charlie Corr reflected on NAPL data that shows bull crap of two industries, building on Pesko's digital divide assertion and bemoaning the fact few printers within our fragmented industry actually address the complete document lifecycle inside their offerings, despite the fact that which is clearly what customers want. .
http://baca.hollosite.com/viewtopic.php?p=571406#571406 http://bbs.ht0.cc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=709432&extra= http://users.atw.hu/szig12a/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=21624#21624 http://www.fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?f=126&t=822187 http://gloriabuzau.freefronthost.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=392089 http://users.ininet.hu/tauriszmt2forum/index.php?/topic/287503-free-new-branding-tags-efi-as-essential-to-print-summary-of-q1-earnings-call/ http://skydivepark.ru/node/1648106 http://www.foroboda.com/thriving-print-business-in-2020-diversified-online-and-data-driven-20619/#post51666 http://steampunkbionics.com/3dpop/index.php?topic=55937.new#new http://users.atw.hu/szig12a/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=22136#22136
#145 | JosephHup في 19-11-2016
New project set to change the face of public toilets in Dhaka <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">drinking water standards</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">drinking water</a> The follow-up question, though, is a of tone and seriousness. Faced with another squelch of the U-turn, you can play it insouciant. Of course such frailties are inescapable. That's weather; especially British weather. Of course it's the most popular, half-comic currency of barbershop chat and newspaper third leaders. But then climate isn't so funny today. Of course one very wet winter doesn't invalidate overarching trends - or even the need for sustainability in water provision, as in most things environmental. Least of all does it discredit one of the most rational warnings that issue in the temples of science. ,Thames Water project reaches half-way point
Earlier in 2010 MPs urged the government to ensure more concrete safeguards for landowners than were included in the draft marine bill published in April. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">ro water purifier</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water purification systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">reverse osmosis system</a> ,Such partnerships are often deeply flawed, failing to balance financing and social needs effectively, which has given them an undesirable name. But the result lies inside the legal and financial design of each contract: through the smallest, village-level agreements to larger, nationwide projects.
watersinfo.org Weifang officials have offered a reward of about آ£10,000 to anyone that can provide proof of illegal wastewater dumping. According to a Weifang Communist party committee spokesperson, local authorities have investigated 715 companies and possess yet to discover any evidence of wrongdoing. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">whole house water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filtration system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> ,Hannah Greig, private sector advisor at WaterAid would have been a bit more sceptical, however. Corporates are recognising water can be an increasing risk but action isn’t yet following on the same pace - and in many cases fewer corporates are such as the impact on communities as part of their risk assessments, she said.
http://forum.expertexpert.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=578126 http://www.warrencountyteaparty.org/contact-the-warren-county-tea-party/?contact-form-id=200&contact-form-sent=5050&_wpnonce=a241b04dbc http://www.fsqdjy.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=18332 http://rusrehasport.ru/news/111#comment-28401 http://sportmedhelp.ru/forum/index.php?fid=1&id=109514007474&page=619#m6184 http://blog.yam.com/vincentv12/article/14527282 http://www.ak47usa.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=14522 http://www.mr-sa.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=113 http://sportmedhelp.ru/forum/index.php?fid=1&id=693273961456&page=483#m4823 http://betatest.steelmonkeys.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=29427&p=169524#p169524
#146 | JosephHup في 19-11-2016
Yellowstone river suffers oil spill <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">pure water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">reverse osmosis water system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> She now works best for two attorneys, one inch LA the other in New York, both that specialise in toxic exposure along with the kind of mass torts or civil actions used against PG&amp;E. I get a huge number of emails. Half my jobs are environment-related, the remainder is pharmaceutical problems. There's so much of it. No one law firm are prepared for it now. This week she continues to be in Europe, meeting the Irish environment minister and giving motivational lectures. Her speciality is water, and she is currently fighting two water pollution cases in Italy and Greece. It dawned on me then that we were destroying the element needed for a lifetime - water. For me being green means cleaning up the river. Water may be the key. Start with water. You can't ignore the belief that that nearly 80% of US waterways are potentially poisoned - benzene, solvents, pollutants, pharmaceuticals ... ,Ohio state EPA chief blasts 'woefully inadequate' toxic water regulations
Mongolian herder was stepped on by coal truck as he experimented with stop mining convoy driving across prairie land ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">water purifier</a> ,The view among the students is always that man-made java prices is testing the tenability in the country, says Falasa, sitting in his office about the edge from the school's large courtyard.
watersinfo.org School leaders in Idaho Falls, Idaho, decided in February to remove two drinking fountains within per week of discovering about a recently available high sample and another one from several years ago that this state still did not notify them about. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">home water systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">water filtration companies</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water treatment</a> ,Photograph: Alex Sudea/Rex Features
http://sportmedhelp.ru/forum/index.php?fid=1&id=109514007474&page=626#m6257 http://www.firstsing.com/boards/topic/458630/gardens-out-but-patios-in-millions-face-hosepipe-ban-confusion http://www.faynasang.go.th/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1415593&sid=1e116203c139cf27ae3fb0224ff284b5 http://spaaaam.hackpaxx.altervista.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1836174#1836174 http://southfashions.com/sfforum/posting.php?mode=reply&f=49&t=11233 http://profplanter.ru/?p=1#comment-7708 http://techdevforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=793887 http://rusrehasport.ru/news/111#comment-35374 http://tennistb.ycsoft.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=243654 http://sixfootcanasian.com/blog/junofest-2016-coming-full-circle/#comment-4992
#147 | MathewSl في 19-11-2016
FREE SPECIAL PART 1: Meet the Market Maker: Regis J. Delmontagne, President of GASC and NPES <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">packaging printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label stickers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">custom business cards</a> Tim McClellan is an Account Executive for Progress Printing. ,Economic Roundup, Printforecast.com, and Dr. Joe in Toronto
Thermo-O-Type&rsquo;s FT-10 Foil Fuser allows printers to accent pages with decorative foil. Pages first go by having a laser printer, then a foil adheres to your toner. Unlike competitive fusing machines, that contain 1/2&rdquo; cores, the FT-10 features a 1&rdquo; core, in order that it holds twice the degree of foil, reducing the value per foot. The machine also provides an entire palette of foil colors &mdash; several dozen &mdash; instead of merely a few key colors. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">printed boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> &ldquo;Mobile support is very important for print software now; every print software vendor should be advancing their support for mobile in practically every release continue.&rdquo; &ndash; Jennifer Matt, WhatTheyThink ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Custom Labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift bags</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">cheap business cards</a>
printing-in-china.com Copperwheat also indicates that even many big brands have fragmented IT systems and data stores, a perceived barrier to executing cross-media campaigns. Many of such companies which can be using multiple channels will also be by using a variety of different vendors to supply communications in each in the channels, an extra barrier on the ideal state of an integrated campaign. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">banner printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">sticky labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas wrapping</a> All this might sound wonderful, however there are a couple of limitations inside the overall RISO offerings. The key limitation is quality that just isn't as good as comparably priced xerographic products, nor is it as a good because the only equivalent computer printer, the HP CM8050/8060 MFP products. However the RISO ComColor goods are considerably faster than the others competitive products. The RISO printers also cannot print on coated stocks because with the oil-based inks they choose. .
http://www.assignmentsanswer.com/communicating-in-the-workplace-blog-entry/#comment-190811 http://users.ininet.hu/tauriszmt2forum/index.php?/topic/287587-the-four-ts-applying-new-marketing-fundamentals-in-the-internet-era/ http://www.wrackgame.com/forums/showthread.php?1380-The-Search-for-that-Variable-Customer&p=2734#post2734 http://ucuc92.evai.pl/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=10403&extra= http://cardingmafia.ws/members/jessevar.html http://forum.expertexpert.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=474087 http://skydivepark.ru/node/1632844 http://bikers-and-babes.com/index.php?topic=313515.new#new http://www.balichuntian.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=8249&extra= http://meiguomeipin.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=127672
#148 | Michaelkiz في 19-11-2016
How can the fashion industry act for a sustainable water future? - live chat <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water filter system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">water purification systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">filtration system</a> When green meets Gitmo �the offshore prison camp �sensitive issues all around the high-security facility often win out. The prison camp is one in the biggest consumers of electricity and water on the base �and it's also one of the last in line to go green. ,UK in world-leading commitment to gender equality in aid spend
Environmental groups say Las Vegas has not yet done enough to save water, or to explore other solutions â€?including constructing a desalination plant, as other water-strapped cities have inked. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">water filtration companies</a> ï»؟<a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">ro water purifier</a> ,Here are various other ways you may be able to save money:
watersinfo.org In Battambang province within the northwest ??one with the hardest-hit regions in the country ??Radio Free Asia reported that at least 30 monkeys died as soon as the heat claimed the final tracts of water inside their flooded forest habitat. RFA also said at the very least 200 water buffalo and cows have perished within the northern province of Stung Treng. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/commercial_water_purifiers">commercial water Purifiers</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">water systems</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">shower filter</a> ,Many WaterAid staff knew Jo personally, i have worked with her during her time at Oxfam &ndash;where she became Head of Policy &ndash; and through her role as MP for Batley and Spen.
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#149 | Michaelkiz في 20-11-2016
Ciwem environmental photographer of the year 2009 <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind/water_treatment_system">water filter company </a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/whole_house_water_filtration">refrigerator water filters</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org">drinking water</a> 26 October 2015 1:42pm ,Why don't we use urinals in the home?
�The following correction was published on 30 October 2011Pffteople and numbers: Global growth fears put for the test (News) said Africa had fewer than 500,000 urban dwellers in 1950, though the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa puts the figure at 14.9% of total population �33 million. Our story Population of world could grow to 15bn by 2100 (News) named Prof Jack Goldstone as author of The Population Bomb. His book is The New Population Bomb (2010); the main Population Bomb (1968) was compiled by Paul and Anne Ehrlich. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">best water filter system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/drinking_dater_filter">best water softner manufacturers</a> ,The Environment Agency said yesterday rain through the entire month means how the risk to public health has probably not diminished at any time on the last few weeks.
watersinfo.org A bit more bullish is David Bowman, who grows and sells 2m pumpkins a year from his Spalding farm �and supplies the raw material for that town's pumpkin festival each October. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org">reverse osmosis system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">how to purify water</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house/water_softener">water softener system</a> ,The biggest pollution problem for Shaoxing is poultry and livestock farming, said Xu Luzhong, an inspector while using Zhejiang environmental authorities, when he visited town. Pig excrement, slurry along with the corpses dumped around mean that this beautiful water town is giving out a bit of an stink.
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