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تزف أسرة تحرير أومال التهنئة لأبناء شعبنا الارتري في الداخل والشتات بمناسبة الذكرى ال51 لإنطلاق ثورة الشعب الارتري ضد الاستعمار الإلحاقي الكهنوتي الإثيوبي وتهنئ رعيل الثورة ومقاتليها البواسل الذين صنعوا المعجزات وسجلوا الملاحم البطولية التي أذهلت العالم وحققوا النصر المؤزر ، وليس بمستغرب أن يحي الشعب الارتري في كل عام ذكرى إندلاع ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر تلك الثورة المجيدة التي أشعل أورها القائد الشهيد حامد إدريس عواتي ورفاقه من الرعيل الأول وسار تحت لوائها أبناء شعبنا الارتري من رحيتا في دنكاليا وحتى رأس قصار في الساحل ومن فورتو في إكلي قوزاي لتمرات في بركة ، دفعوا خلال عقود النضال أرواح ودماء فلذات أكبادهم دفعوا عشرات الألوف من الشهداء ، قدموا أموالهم بذلوا كل شيئ من أجل الحرية والكرامة والإستقلال والديمقراطية  لهذا يحتفلون بها تجديدا للعهد وإستعادة لذكرى الأبطال الذين شقوا طريق الكرامة والحرية وسقوا دروب النضال بدمائهم الطاهرة ، وكان الآمل الذي يحث خطاهم على الطريق ويدفعهم للبذل ولمزيد من البذل أنهم أصحاب حق راسخ وقضية عادلة ونصر أكيد وسيصلون في نهاية المطاف ومهما كانت التضحيات لدولة الكرامة سينالون الاستقلال سيعود أهليهم من مناطق اللجوء الي بيوتهم الى قراهم الى مدنهم إلى مراتع ذكريات الصبى ، لهذا كانت التضحية والبسالة عالية جداً والثمن كبير جداً بحجم الوطن الأمل بحجم المطلب التاريخي مطلب حق تقرير المصير خاصة ، ورغم أن الشعب ومناضليه كانوا يواجهون بقوات إستعمارية من دولة جارة تربطهم بها حدود طويلة ووشائج متنوعة وكانت تلك الدولة الجارة أثيوبيا محكومة بقبضة الكهنوت المسنود من الاقطاع والكنيسة  والاستعلاء القومي الذي أذاق حتى الشعوب الأثيوبية الويلات ودفعها للثورة وبعد مجيئ النظام العسكري بإنقلابه الشهير 1974م أمل الأثيوبيون ولكنه تمسك بذات النهج وتشدد ضد القضية الوطنية الارترية ورفض تطبيق مبدأ حق تقرير المصير على الشعب الارتري وحاول أن يغلف طرحه بالغطاء الأيديوبوجي ، لهذا جرت معه المواجهات الأكثر ضراوة ودمويةً وأخيراً هزم نظام الدرق الاستعماري وأنجز الارتريون الإستقلال ، ورغم أن الشعب الارتري قد أنجز إستقلال ترابه الوطني وتمكن من طرد قوات الاحتلال بعد صراع طويل ومرير ودامي إلا أنه لم يستمتع بثمار تضحياته الغالية ، جاء الكيان الذي لم يتطور لدولة بمفهوم الدولة العصرية التي تحتضن كل أبنائها بل إتجه نحو السلطة الشمولية وهي تحولت مع الوقت لملك عضوض تحورت فيه حتى علاقات الحزب الشمولي نفسه .

المواطن العادي مثلت له الدولة التي حلم بها غول يتهدد أبنائه لايرى منها إلا كشات الخدمة العسكرية الأبدية والتي يصدق عليها المثل الدخل مفقود والخارج مولود ــ سلطة بذرت النغمة في النفوس صار الخوف حاكماً للنفوس – صارت سلطة تضغط على المواطن وعبر له بإستمرار بأنه عرضة لخطر داهم خطر مستدام – رجالات السلطة بالنسبة للمواطن ينتهكون عاداته وحقوقه في الأرض في المرعى وتروعه إدارياً وتعاقبه لأتفه الأسباب ، وبهذا عادت الدولة ( السلطة ) كهيئة معادية ومهددة للشعب يرفضها مواطنوها ، وعبارات ملكية الدولة والصالح العام ليس أكثر من خداع أيديولوجي وما ينتزع من أرض بإسمه يذهب لحفنة وفئة من بطانة النظام بعد أن تنتزع من أصحابها الأصليين ، وغدت السلطة التي تدير الدولة بإسم الجماهير جهاز إستغلال وإضطهاد ، تعرضت علاقة الدولة والمواطن لإختلال مما كرس حالة من اليأس والاغتراب عن الدولة بل والفرار الجماعي الذي لم يسبق له مثيل ، وتحولت الدولة لملاك تديره أقلية من ذوي الامتيازات بيدها كل السلطة وأكثرية تلهث وراء القوت اليومي تبحث عن مجرد البقاء وتحرم من المشاركة السياسية بما فيها جموع اللاجئين الذين حرموا من حق العودة لديارهم بعد ذلك الاستقلال .

وعلى صعيد المقاومة للاستبداد فلا تزال في صحراء التيه وتدور في فلك التشتت والتشرذم رغم ما أنجزت من إطار جامع وواسع إلا أنها من الناحية العملية فلا تزال في مدار التيه وتحتاج لتفعيل برامجها وخلق آليات جماعية ينجز بها الجميع الهدف المشترك وعلى صعيد منظمات المجتمع المدني فلسنا بحاجة لتكرار ذات التشرذم الذي أبتليت به ساحة القوى السياسة وكل ما هو مطلوب منها الالتفاف على برامج جماعية وخلق أوسع مواعين نضالية ممكنة وعليها أن تستلهم دروس وعبر ثورة سبتمبر التي حولت شعب صغير لعملاق فج في قلب الصخر الصلد طريق النصر ، وفي هذه الذكرى المجيد نقول لصناع سبتمبر عذراً أننا جميعاً تأخرنا وزاق  بعضنا عن الطريق وتخلى البعض الآخر عن كل شيئ وآثر آخرون السلامة وإستمرأوا الاستكانة والبعض تضخمت عنده الذات فلايرى إلا نفسه ورأيه وتجاوز بعضنا عهدكم  ....ولكنا نقول لابد من سبتمبر وإن طال الطريق ولابد من النصر لشعبنا وإن تطاولت وإشتدت المعاناة ولابد وأن ليل الظلم إلى زوال  وكل عام وأنتم بخير وإنشاء الله سبتمبر القادم على ربى بلادنا بعد إزالة الديكتاتورية المستبدة .

وثورة حتى النصر


#31 | Joshuahex في 11-10-2016
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#32 | Michaelacipt في 11-10-2016
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By Barbara Pellow November 28, 2005 -- I think most people are conscious of sales and marketing communications is surely an essential component of working. There are times, however, when digital print carrier's networks underestimate the tremendous impact the chance to communicate might have for their success. Time and again, effective sales and marketing communications have proven becoming a key factor within the buying start up business; determining whether litigant is retained; or perhaps simply how much clients are sent to some specific supplier. A good advertising strategy might be one with the most affordable ways to building awareness along with a positive market perception on your firm. This multi-part compilation of articles is made to explore the range of available marketing and sales communications alternatives and ways in which digital printers have leveraged these alternatives to achieve a competitive advantage within the market. The elements of advertising, marketing advertising, Internet marketing, direct mail, tradeshows, partnerships and associations are going to be explored. You might find how companies are employing different media mixes to develop awareness and extend their reach. Public Relations Developing an excellent public realtions strategy may be one from the most less expensive solutions to building awareness and also a positive market perception for ones firm. Simply defined, Public Relations (PR) could be the practice of conveying messages towards the public over the media while using purpose of changing people&rsquo;s action&rsquo;s by influencing opinion. There can be a variety of techniques that digital printers are employing, including feature articles in national, industry or regional publications; pr releases; speeches and presentations; special attractions; and facility grand openings. Articles published in industry, local, regional or national publications have historically experienced a very secure impact. If people read something from the &ldquo;news,&rdquo; they have a tendency to accept is as true. Publications like Printing Impressions feature a number of different firms on a monthly basis. Direct Mail Holdings, as an example, was featured from the May edition in a article that discussed its effective utilization of technology in addressing customer needs. Typically, print industry publications will contact equipment manufacturers to question about advanced users of specific technologies for feature articles. Make sure your suppliers are aware that that you are thinking about getting them create a case history with your organization. While the Printing Impressions article would possibly not attain the digital company&rsquo;s target audience, article reprints can be found that is usually built into proposals and direct mail pieces. Make sure your suppliers are aware that that you are enthusiastic about obtaining make a case history on the organization. Digital providers rarely consider themselves as newsworthy, yet buying innovative technology and developing new service offerings to develop a neighborhood business has appeal on the press. The Outlook Group in Menasha, Wisconsin, found itself about the top of the page from the business section with the Post Crescent educating this market in regards to the digital color and workflow automation tools the firm was implementing to flourish business. By utilizing the local, regional, and national news media to remain in touch together with the external market, digital print carrier's networks can build significant market awareness in their own business. Whether it truly is local TV or radio stations, the newspaper, or perhaps a trade journal, journalists are invariably looking for the good story. Contact the area media and consider the time for you to share yours. Public speaking doesn't come naturally to everyone, but speaking opportunities represent a solid marketing, pr and business development tool. Attendees get to find out about your firm&rsquo;s expertise top notch which enable it to interact directly along with your management team immediately before or following your presentation. An attendee asking for just a business card could be the 1st step in obtaining a brand new customer. If the press is at attendance, there may be also a way for added exposure. Obtaining speaker slots provides chance for increased visibility in vertical/industry sectors or broad-based areas which the firm has determined need greater exposure. Finally, the corporation gains free advertising insurance agencies the executive&rsquo;s name published about the agenda of 1000s of brochures and promotional announcements which might be mailed or e-mailed by event organizers. The challenge for digital print agencies is gaining a speaking invitation to specific forums the spot that the participants are prospective clients and clients. Digital print agencies ought to identify the critical services requiring enhanced visibility and produce a solid message that builds the perception that a firm will be the &ldquo;check out&rdquo; company to the specific services or products. Event organizers ought to be contacted and provided which has a message and session descriptor that can have tremendous appeal for the conference audience. Topics like &ldquo;Success in 1:1 Communications,&rdquo; &ldquo;Making Multi-Media Work&rdquo; or &ldquo;True Marketing ROI&rdquo; could have strong appeal on the American Marketing Association or DMA. &ldquo;How to&rdquo; presentations routinely have a robust impact around the audience. These are definitely the individuals you desire to reach to push demand and expand your small business. Most importantly, digital print carrier's networks looking to reposition their companies from the market must possess a proactive speaker placement program. An individual with your organization needs to be identified that aggressively identifies opportunities, develops relationships with event organizers and leads the charge in building how often of speaking engagements. An effective pr strategy can be a critical component with a marketing plan. It is commonly the forgotten marketing device. Some firms are implementing PR methods to &ldquo;build their very own buzz&rdquo; inside the market. Like other printers, task for Nevada City, California, based LectraMedia was building awareness and receiving marketing departments to build up applications that leverage digital color print technology. LectraMedia&rsquo;s business development manager, Teri Paulus, decided for taking a three-pronged method of driving digital color business volumes. First, under her guidance, LectraMedia conducted seminars for agencies inside the surrounding markets to go into detail the additional value proposition together with implementation and design ways to care for variable data campaigns. Secondly, she leveraged her relationships with local associations much like the Sacramento American Marketing Association. Finally, LectraMedia, chosen to manage a variable data design contest using a substantial cash prize with the most creative entry while using highest business value. According to owner Tom Conley, &ldquo;Designers that wouldn&rsquo;t talk around before are common of the sudden excited concerning the opportunity&hellip;They find it as being a new method of doing things.&rdquo; This year&rsquo;s second annual contest awards ceremony made a PR &ldquo;buzz&rdquo; within LectraMedia&rsquo;s target markets. The firm also invited industry trade press and someone's place of business press that delivered local and national coverage because of their Variable Data Printing Conference and Awards Program. In July 2004, Ira Jackson, owner of Perfect Image in Marietta, Georgia, called me to question if I would present in an open house for his customers. He had just completed renovating his facility, and the man wanted introducing clients to his new digital color capabilities and build a &ldquo;new market image&rdquo; for Perfect Image. While the organization stood a history of good quality traditional print, Ira&rsquo;s objective was to work with an empty house to indicate to customers, the press and industry associations that Perfect Image became a advanced, top rated, innovative company which had transformed itself right into a digital business communications firm efficient at delivering effective 1:1 communications programs. As Ira viewed growing the digital color chance for his business, he seen that market education was critical. He built a substantial marketing programme that's initiated with all the open house event created to make customers aware about his new capabilities. To illustrate its new technology, Perfect Image embarked on the full-fledged 1:1 campaign, creating personalized mailers for customers, suppliers, friends, inviting these to attend a VIP reception and open house. When I arrived on August 19, the paint used to be drying within the new facility; caterers were creating hors d&rsquo;oeuvres tables as well as a quartet was creating. At 4:00 PM, hundreds of people joined Ira to talk about their success plus a bright future for Perfect Image. There was no question that his event-based PR changed market perception of Perfect Image. As demonstrated because of the examples on this article, advertising involves various programs built to maintain or enhance a business's image and also the product or service it includes. Successful implementation connected with an effective advertising strategy is often a critical component to your marketing plan. It is often the forgotten advertising device. A good pr (PR) strategy plays an integral role within an organization's promotional strategy. A planned way of leveraging publicity opportunities could be in the same way crucial as advertising and purchasers promotions. Public relations is certainly one with the best approaches to communicate and relate on the market. It is powerful and, once things are usually in motion, PR would be the most economical of the promotional activities. In many cases, it's even free. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a>
#33 | Joshuahex في 12-10-2016
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#34 | Michaelacipt في 12-10-2016
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#35 | AlbertStors في 13-10-2016
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#36 | MichaelVep في 14-10-2016
Mark Porter, httprint <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> Have all on the differences been eradicated? Of course not. Sheetfed presses still are designed for an extremely broader array of substrates than web presses, and they also offer more alternatives for specialized color and coating. Webs still improve your speed than sheetfeds, and they could cut and fold signatures inline&mdash;an issue that no sheetfed press has yet determined how you can do. Nobody, probably, are ever going to wish to print big-city telephone directories on sheetfed equipment, plus it&rsquo;s equally difficult to envision an excellent cause of migrating a run of the few hundred copies of almost anything to even by far the most efficient web press. ,Is There an iPad App in Your Future?
By Gail Nickel-Kailing Published: March 3, 2004 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a>
#37 | Michaelacipt في 14-10-2016
HP Previews Extensive Catalog of Print Innovations for drupa 2016 (Part II) <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> With the passing of former President Ronald Reagan, ,Kodak Considering Sale of Health Group amid Continued Losses: Summary of Q1 Earnings Call
Juxtaposed while using demand for the hands-off, lights-out solution that can give customers exactly the things they need may be the complexity publishers are inspired to add around the finishing end. Says Goss International CEO Bob Brown, &ldquo;Making print more appealing to advertisers will be needing magazines to get more &lsquo;alive&rsquo;, knowning that (means) more gimmicks, more products to get inserted in the magazines and also the final printed product.&rdquo; This is potentially problematic just because a s web presses get faster, the specter of an bindery bottleneck hovers on the desire to offer the personalization and added value advertisers and consumers crave. According to Barry Meinerth of Time, Inc.: &ldquo;We want that variability greater speeds.&rdquo; ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a>
#38 | Albertutila في 15-10-2016
GE07: Solutions to Save the Chief Marketing Officer <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">gift wrapping supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas gift wrap</a> Among printing systems for the quick, attractive, and price efficient manufacture of labels and packaging, none do it superior to or nearly as frequently offset and flexographic presses. Conventional label and packaging production was well represented at Graph Expo/CPP 2014. ,Is Print the True Green Technology?
WhatTheyThink recently spoke with Tom Saggiomo, ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label printer</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">packaging boxes</a>
#39 | Michaelacipt في 16-10-2016
New Fujifilm Offerings to Help Newspapers Cope with Changes in Industry <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> If you look at web-to-print technology determined by a pure feature comparison, the solutions all look the same. Every web-to-print solution targeted at supplying online technology to guide your business-to-business (B2Cool print customers, has some functionality around providing order history for example, however the &ldquo;how&rdquo; each from the vendors solve these customer challenges is often what creates differentiation. ,KBA North America's new CEO Ralf Sammeck:
By Patrick Henry, WTT Executive Editor October 30, 2006 -- Heidelberg USA no more gives you dollar figures for gross sales at industry events, however it couldn't resist dropping a touch regarding how well it did in CtP and Prinect&mdash;Heidelberg&rsquo;s type of automated and integrated workflow&mdash;at Graph Expo 2006. Ray Cassino, director of Prinect and CtP product management, confirmed that the business sold a list amount of CtP devices in the show&mdash;a feat that reminded individuals who needed reminding of Heidelberg's considerable strength in Prinect and CtP overall. Heidelberg likes to speak about any alternative vendors call prepress from the context Prinect since it regards Prinect since the harmonizing link that ties all of their various prepress capabilities together. Semantics aside, Graph Expo 2006 was a significant show for Heidelberg because on the attention it aimed at Prinect, CtP, and also other non-press factors of the corporation's business. Heidelberg used Graph Expo as being a launching pad for just a set of two brand-new thermal platesetters for smaller than average medium-sized commercial print shops, the Suprasetter models A52 and A74. Accompanying the A52 was a different PDF workflow, MetaDimension 52i, featuring a similarly new imposition program, Prinect Imposition Editor. The addition of those entry-level devices completes Heidelberg&rsquo;s thermal platesetting portfolio, which now incorporates a thermal CtP unit for each and every press size that Heidelberg manufactures. The company similarly covers all of the company's press-size bases in visible-light CtP using the Prosetter family for violet silver halide and photopolymer plates. Cassino acknowledges that because Heidelberg is indeed strongly identified with sheetfed press manufacturing, its Prinect and CtP offerings sometimes &ldquo;might be dwarfed inside shadow in the big Speedmasters.&rdquo; Nevertheless, this company has managed to build up what Cassino calls your global-class portfolio of integrated workflow and CtP goods that aren&rsquo;t overshadowed by whatever else of their categories. On the contrary, he admits that, the Heidelberg Prinect and CtP line is inside a class on it's own because in the breadth of solutions it provides. It commences with the aforementioned range of violet and thermal platesetters supporting Heidelberg press formats on the 20 Speedmaster SM 52 to your 41 Speedmaster XL 105. Cassino says that because both exposure methods are extremely viable for high-quality CtP, the selection relating to the two is dictated through the type, volume, and turnaround requirements of labor that the consumer intentions to put to them. Small Shops Warm to Thermal Heidelberg's record turnover in CtP devices at Graph Expo involved evenly split between thermal and violet units, an outcome that Cassino calls very healthy for Heidelberg because doing so indicates penetration of segments on the platesetter market. And although it remains factual that thermal sells finest in 40 environments understanding that two- and four-up violet units are definitely the preferred solutions for small shops, Cassino thinks that part in the truism could change as small shops discover some great benefits of thermal. Small printers, he admits that, are particularly drawn towards the ease of chemistry-free platesetting, which currently can be done just with thermal systems. The selling point of small-format thermal CtP was evident inside the indisputable fact that Heidelberg wrote more show orders with the new Suprasetter to use A52 configuration, small on the two formats where it can be available. Heidelberg also supports small-format customers who've very modest or transitional direct imaging requirements using the Quicksetter 300 E and 400 E devices. These units expose polyester plates, film, and RC paper due to the Printmaster PM 46 and Printmaster GTO 52 presses, respectively, Label It JDF Inside Central to Heidelberg's method of prepress is workflow automation. Achieving this would be the objective in the prepress-dedicated software modules in Heidelberg's Prinect category of workflow solutions. Cassino contends anytime the majority of vendors discuss about it workflow, they are referring to individual segments, not really a unified whole. Prinect, he admits that, is exclusive in providing a completely automated, seamlessly integrated solution competent at linking business systems to prepress, press, and postpress production workflows using only industry-standard protocols. Foremost among Prinect's components for prepress, says Cassino, is Prinect Printready System, that he calls earth's only fully automated prepress workflow, automated by JDF. If there is a 'JDF Inside' sticker for workflows much like the 'Intel Inside' sticker for computers, Prinect Printready System could well be toting, Cassino says. The Printready module can be an integrated output management system for processing PDF and PostScript files with functions that are included with normalizing, preflighting, color management, trapping, and proofing. Its JDF (Job Definition Format) architecture lets Printready connect with Prinect modules for example Signa Station, which handles the impositioning. JDF also will be the common denominator which will enable Heidelberg to create Printready that will work with widespread print MIS packages like Hagen, Logic, PSI, and Hiflex. The effort to link Printready with your products is within progress, in accordance with Cassino, who adds that Printready has new options that enable it drive an automobile digital presses in addition to platesetters and proofers. Xerox and HP platforms will use Printready within this way now; implementations for Canon and Kodak equipment are developed. Heidelberg also makes Printready one leg in the stool in the integrated, JDF-based production management system who's launched at Graph Expo while using turmoil Prinect Integration System and Prinect Pressroom Manager. Prinect Integration System, utilized in conjunction with Printready for prepress and Pressroom Manager for presswork, links both functions using a job-by-job basis by means of an central JDF job ticket plus a common program. This linkage, says Cassino, generates a seamless JDF workflow between prepress and press. Pressroom Manager assures that most data entered in the central or master JDF by MIS and upstream production processes can be acquired everywhere within the pressroom. With its help, data required by the given print job may be sent directly towards the press or presses scheduled for the job. Control Issues? Absolutely! Cassino says that Heidelberg has put 21 many years of continuous technical refinement into its quest with the Holy Grail of prepress&mdash;automated color management. The result is really a suite of CM solutions for that fundamental task of generating ICC device profiles and color matching modules that assure correct mapping of color values from proof to press sheet. This alone isn't distinctive: many vendors offer software tools for profiling and color mapping. But Heidelberg, in accordance with Cassino, will be the only vendor that supplies a fully integrated workflow for color management both from the prepress loop and about the press itself. Color management is a second component of Prinect. Cassino says that Prinect Prepress Interface serves being an independent database containing, among other a number of other sorts of CIP4/PPF data, profile information for setting ink keys for specific ink-paper combinations. Prinect's Image Control and Axis Control solutions keep color stable and accurate on press by measuring entire printed images, noting deviations from predefined values, and making the mandatory adjustments to all ink zones. At Graph Expo, Heidelberg took on-press color management to some new amount of scrutiny by introducing Prinect Inpress Control, an inline spectrophotometer that reads color and register values inside control bar as you move the press is running. The readings go directly towards the Prinect CP2000 Center press control system, which then makes whatever corrections could be needed. Cassino indicates that everything Prinect does in prepress automation, color management, and production control may be the response to bidirectional JDF: a built-in means of system-to-system information exchange in that your JDF stream is continuously enriched with updated data as being the job progresses. Bidirectional JDF in Prinect is completely different from simple, one-way networking routines for instance routing files to some RIP: Integration with Prinect uses the JDF format besides to make front-end setup to the job, but additionally to see data on the run back in the JDF, telling the JDF exactly what it did, Cassino says. Screens, Plates, and You-Name-It Heidelberg rounds out its prepress offerings with screening technologies and consumables. Electronic screening is accessible from Heidelberg in Prinect-branded conventional (AM), stochastic (FM), and hybrid varieties. Users in the hybrid AM-FM screening solution can define the dot percentage below which imaging is going to be stochastic for accurate reproduction in highlights whilst the shadow dots open with the same time. Heidelberg&rsquo;s consumables portfolio is yet another complement to its hardware and software offerings. The Saphira plate family includes standard and waterless polyester, thermal, chemistry-free thermal and violet materials. Proofing papers, offset blankets, and plenty of other prep and press items also could be supplied. Cassino adds that Heidelberg's Prinect and CtP capability isn't restricted to selling products: the business is also prepared to furnish practical advice to the customer using a workflow or color management problem. For example, he admits that, We can instruct you how to make use of your computer printer to be a proofer. We'll demonstrate tips on how to calibrate your plates for a proof and press sheet and exactly how to keep that consistent color on press likewise. We don't stop with just plates. About really the only division of prepress during which Heidelberg isn't going to play is scanning, a place it prudently exited about five a long time ago when inexpensive CCD flatbeds and video cameras did start to lower the boom on high-end image capture. And regardless of whether Heidelberg's Prinect and CtP capability remains an unintentionally best-kept secret with a, the saying clearly has released on the people that count&mdash;printers with money to shell out. At Graph Expo, one among them purchased the 1,500th Prosetter CtP unit in the transaction that prompted Cassino to declare, Violet technology is alive and well. He could say, and undoubtedly does say, the same task about almost every other product category in Heidelberg's end-to-end prepress portfolio. Please offer your feedback to Patrick. 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